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III. Give as many synonyms for the italicized words in the following jokes as you can. If you do not know any of them consult the dictionaries.1 Revise Ch. 10

1. "I hear there's a new baby over at your house, William," said the teacher. "I don't think he's new," replied William. "The way he cries shows he's had lots of experience."

2. A little boy who had been used to receiving his old brother's old toys and clothes remarked: "Ma, will I have to marry his widow when he dies?"

3. Small boy (to governess): Miss Smith, please excuse my speaking to you with my mouth full, but my little sister has just fallen into the pond.

4. A celebrated lawyer once said that the three most troublesome clients he ever had were a young lady who wanted to be married, a married woman who wanted a divorce, and an old maid who didn't know what she wanted.

5. Boss: You are twenty minutes late again. Don't you know what time we start to work at this office? New Employee: No, sir, they are always at it when I get here.

6. H e (as they drove along a lonely road): You look lovelier to me every minute. Do you know what that's a sign of? She: Sure. You are about to run out of gas.

7. Husband (shouting upstairs to his wife): For last time, Mary, are you coming? Wife: Haven't I been telling you for the last hour that I'll be down in a minute.

8. "Oh, Mummie, I hurt my toe!" cried small Janey, who was playing in the garden. "Which toe, dear?" I inquired, as I examined her foot. "My youngest one," sobbed Janey.

IV. Carry out definitional and transformational analysis on the italicized synonyms using the explanations of meanings given below. Examples of this type of analysis are given on p. 189. Draw diagrams and define the types of connotations found in them.1

1. Old means having lived a long time, far advanced in years; elderly means approaching old age, between middle and old age, past middle age, but hardly old; aged is somewhat old, implies greater age than elderly; ancient is so old as to seem to belong to a past age.

2. To create means to make an object which was not previously in existence, to bring into existence by inspiration or the like; to manufacture is to make by labour, often by machinery, especially on a large scale by some industrial process; to produce is to work up from raw material and turn it into economically useful and marketable goods.

3. To break is to separate into parts or fragments; to crack is to break anything hard with a sudden sharp blow without separating, so that the pieces remain together; to shatter is to break into fragments, particles and in numerous directions; to smash is to destroy, to break thoroughly to pieces with a crashing sound by some sudden act of violence.

4. To cry is to express grief or pain by audible lamentations, to shed tears with or without sound; to sob is to cry desperately with convulsive catching of the breath and noisily as from heart-rending grief; to weep means to shed tears more or less silently which is sometimes expression of pleasurable emotion.

5. Battle denotes the act of struggling, a hostile encounter or engagement between opposite forces on sea or land; combat denotes a struggle between armed forces, or individuals, it is usually of a smaller scale than battle, less frequently used in a figurative sense; fight denotes a struggle for victory, either between individuals or between armies, ships or navies, it is a word of less dignity than battle, fight usually implies a hand-to-hand conflict.

V. Consult the diagram on p. 125 and using the definitions of the following synonyms and the explanation given in the English-Russian Synonymic Dictionary1 prove that synonyms possess & dual nature. Draw the diagrams of meanings to illustrate your answer as in Exercise IV.

1. to shake — to tremble — to shiver — to shudder. 2. smell — scent — odour — aroma. 3. to walk — to stroll — to saunter — to wander. 4. to want — to wish — to desire. 5. weak — feeble — frail — fragile. 6. large — big — great. 7. to jump — to leap — to spring — to skip — to hop. 8. pain — ache — pang — twinge. 9. to discuss — to argue — to debate — to dispute. 10, dim — dusky — obscure.

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