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TCAS - general Description


The TCAS transmits to and receives signals from other airplanes to get altitude, range, and bearing data. The other airplanes report their own altitudes. The range of the other airplanes is calculated by measurement of the time between the transmission of an interrogation and the reception of a response from the other airplanes. Bearing is calculated by the use of directional antennas. TCAS uses these data and inputs from other onboard airplane systems to provide visual indications of the position of other airplanes and to provide visual and aural traffic avoidance alerts.


General Description

These are the TCAS components:

· TCAS directional antennas (2)

· TCAS computer

· ATC/TCAS control panel.

TCAS interfaces with these other system components:

· ATC transponders (2)

· Landing gear lever


· Common display system (CDS) display electronic units

(DEUs) (2)

· Remote electronics unit (REU)

· Radio altimeters (2)

· Ground proximity warning computer (GPWC)

· Weather radar

· Left air data inertial reference unit (ADIRU)

· Suppression coax tees

· Flight data acquisition unit (FDAU).

Electronic Equipment Compartment

The TCAS computer is in the electronic equipment


Дата публикования: 2014-11-28; Прочитано: 315 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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