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Other sports

Almost every sport which exists is played in Britain. As well as the sports already mentioned, hockey (mostly on a field but also on ice) is quite popular, and both basketball (for men) and netball (for women) are growing in popularity. So too is the ancient game of rounders.

The British have a preference for team games. Individual sports such as athletics, cycling, gymnastics and swimming have comparatively small followings. Large numbers of people become interested in them only when British competitors do well in international events. The more popular individual sports are those in which socializing is an important aspect (such as tennis, golf, sailing and snooker). it is notable in this context that, apart from international competitions, the only athletics event which generates a lot of enthusiasm is the annual London Marathon. Most of the tens of thousands of participants in this race are 'fun runners' who are merely trying to complete it, sometimes in outrageous costumes, and so collect money for charity.

There seem to be two main exceptions to this tendency to prefer team games. One is boxing, where some of the attraction lies in the opportunity for gambling. But while boxing is declining in popularity, the other exception, motor sports, is becoming more popular.


Strong local nationalism are felt and expressed in Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland. Do these movements result from similar or different causes? Are they expressed in similar or different ways?

Are class divisions in Britain real or imagined? Do classes differentiate themselves in accent, clothes, money, habits or attitudes?

What are the ways in which British individualism is expressed?

Anti-intellectual attitudes exist in Britain. Why?

In what respects do the British display conservative attitudes?

What are the ways in which the love of nature is most commonly displayed?

How common is it for the British to engage in voluntary activities?

The British are perhaps less fashion-conscious than other Europeans. Why?

What are British attitudes to sport?


Freedom of consciousness

The Church of England

Other conventional Christian churches

Other religions, churches and religious movements

Дата публикования: 2014-11-28; Прочитано: 516 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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