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Our universuty-

When our boys and girls finish school they may work or enter any special secondary school or higher university. There are many university and universities in our country, where our people get higher education. Education is free of charge in our country. Most of the internal students live in hostels and get grants.

I am student of education. I study at the Gorno – Alatisk State University. It is not very large. There are some faculties and departments in it. They are bio – geographical faculty, chemico – biological faculty, philological faculty, historical faculty and physics – mathematical faculty and some others. I study at the biological faculty of the extra – mural department. So I am an external student. External students come to the University twice a year. We have lectures and tutorials. We attend lectures and get ready for seminars and pass our tests and exams. Besides winter and summer sessions there are also intermediate sessions in autumn and spring when we pass our tests and exams. We study many subjects such as biology, history, physiology, philosophy and many others. We also study English. We read, write and speak English at the English lessons. It is not easy to be an external student.

Answer the questions:

1. Who may enter higher educational establishments?

2. Are there many institutes and universities in our country?

3. What is education in our country?

4. Who gets grants?

5. What University do you study at?

6. How many faculties and departments are there at your University and what are they?

7. How often do the external students come to the University?

8. What subjects do you study?

9. Is it easy to study by correspondence? (to be an external student).

10. What do you do during examination sessions?

4. Расскажите об университете, используя план упражнения №4.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 287 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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