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I. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. Fortunately the news (wasn’t / weren’t) as bad as we expected.

2. They say that money (is / are) the soul of business.

3. Please, bring us two (tea / teas) and a coffee.

4. Two (is / are) the company, but three (is / are) a crowd.

5. Economics (is / are) my favourite subject.

6. It’s very difficult to find a (work / job)ü at the moment.

7. My luggage (was / were) lost by the airline.

8. There (is / are) gentlemen waiting for you in reception.

9. Do you think people (is / are) satisfied with the government?

10. Three days (isn’t / aren’t) long enough for a good holiday.

11. The personnel (is / are) very happy with the new premises.

12. Where (is /are) the goods that we ordered the day before yesterday?

13. The rich usually (pay / pays) more taxes.

14. The committee usually (raise / raises) their hands to vote “Yes”.

15. I have to pay my rent out of my (wage / wages).

16. The police (want / wants) to interview two men about the robbery last week.

17. Positive feedback is necessary so that staff (know / knows) that their job is highly appreciated.

18. It was always the brightest students who (were / was) asked to answer the questions.

19. One of the most serious problems that some workers have (is / are) lack of motivation.

20. Our new consultant was very helpful. He gave us some very useful (advice / advices).

II. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. One of the … main goals is to decrease operating costs by 5%.

a. company’s b. company c. companies’

2. He needed money, but had no idea how to earn ….

a. them b. it c. its

3. Managers should strive for … communication with their subordinates.

a. two way b. two ways c. two-way

4. Headquarters of many international organizations … visited by our team last year.

a. were b. was c. are

5. The Personnel Manager is to check each … qualifications and references before the job interview.

a. applicant’s b. applicants’ c. applicant

6. The statistics in the report on socio-economic development of the region … erroneous.

a. are b. is c. was

7. Belarus and Russia … signed a … trade agreement.

a. have; five-years’ b. has; five year c. have; five-year

8. A chemical works of this region … dangerous for the environment.

a. are b. has c. is

9. It’s not fair to make a profit out of … work.

a. anybody’s else’s b. anybody else’s c. anybody’s else

10. Many people are registered to vote in … election.

a. next’s month’s b. next month’s c. next months’

III. Расставьте апострофы там, где это необходимо:

1. My bosss PA reads all the customers letters.

2. An accountants salaryleaves much to be desired.

3. It is important to recognise that every company has its own particular culture.

4. Kathys friends name is Joel. He is one of Merrill Lynchs top analysts.

5. Look at those two Mercedes. One is our directors and the other is a visitors.

6. Mrs. Luis should know that it is Mr. Clarks decision, not hers.

7. My son-in-laws office is on the fifth floor.

8. The manager wants me to buy a yesterdays newspaper at the booksellers.

9. Toyotas deal on its company cars is better than ours.

10. The sales manager has computerized all his clients records.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 708 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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