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Research, researcher, to develop research

personnel [pεsε'nel]= staff

technique [tek'ni:k] - техника, технические приемы to acquire, develop, work out a technique — приобретать, нарабатывать технику to apply a technique — применять какой-либо технический прием 2) метод; методика, способ Syn: method, means

data ['deitε] - сущ.; мн. от datum данные, факты, сведения; информация

hypothesis [hai'po:ǿisis] - гипотеза, догадка, предположение to advance, formulate, propose a hypothesis — выдвинуть гипотезу to confirm a hypothesis — подтверждать гипотезу working hypothesis — рабочая гипотеза

plight – затруднительное, сложное положение

i.e. – (Latin) id est = то есть = that is

1. Answer the questions:

  1. What questions are sociologists interested in?
  2. What differs the sociologist from the typical citizen?
  3. What is scientific method? What are the five basic steps in scientific method?
  4. What does it mean to define a problem?
  5. What is a hypothesis? Is it always correct?
  6. Why developing a conclusion isn’t the end of a research study?

2. Fill in suitable words:

  1. The sociologist is ********** in the central questions of our time.
  2. Unlike the typical citizen, the sociologist must *** scientific method in studying *******.
  3. Scientific method is a **********, ********* series of steps that ensures ******* objectivity and consistency in researching a problem.
  4. There are 5 basic ***** in scientific method that *********** follow in developing ****** research.
  5. These are: ******** the problem (i.e. stating as clearly as possible what you hope to investigate), ********* the literature (i.e. refining the problem under study, clarifying the techniques to be used in collecting data), -
  6. *********** the hypothesis (i.e. developing a guess, that should be scientifically tested and confirmed, revised or refuted), ********* the research design and then ********** and ********* data, ********* the conclusion.
  7. In the 1980s, ****** in the United States became increasingly aware of the plight of the ******** in the nation’s ***** centers.
  8. Finally, they ********* a **********: the typical homeless person is likely not to have a history of mental *******.
  9. Through the ********** application of scientific ******, these *********** studied a contemporary ****** ***** and generated ********** findings of interest to sociologists, mental health workers and policy makers.
  1. Find English equivalents in the text:

Общество, поведение, городской центр, всё больше и больше, знать, сознавать, просмотр литературы, приход к выводам, подытожить, семья разваливается, научный метод, проведение полезного исследования, бездомные, психическое расстройство, выборка/контрольная группа, сотрудники психиатрических клиник, современная социальная проблема.

  1. Which of the given words mean:


problem analysis knowledge examination issue study discussion


convenient practical nice great for sth urban of use functional


complication situation matter difficulty concern challenge item


trouble event question the matter point

to summarize

to sum (sth) up to repeat to state the main points of sth to retell


information dream detail fact point material intelligence

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