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ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 4. Базы вопросов промежуточной аттестации по дисциплине – от 40 до 80 вопросов по дисциплине.



Базы вопросов промежуточной аттестации по дисциплине – от 40 до 80 вопросов по дисциплине.


1. How is the Russian educational system arranged?

2. Where do Russian children get primary education?

3. How long does secondary education last?

4. What are the ways to complete secondary education?

5. What is a Certificate of Complete Secondary Education?

6. What did they have to pass at the end of the 11th form?

7. Why did the system of education begin to change in Russia?

8. How is higher education in European countries organised?

9. What degrees are provided by Russian universities?

10. Who is eligible for post-graduate courses?


  1. What university do you study at?
  2. Where do its graduates work?
  3. When was the university established?
  4. Who was the founder of the university?
  5. What was the first name of the university?
  6. What was the name of the first speciality at Moscow Engineering School?
  7. How many institutes does the university consist of? Name some of them.
  8. What facilities for study and qualified staff training are there in the university?
  9. Does the university carry out scientific research work?
  10. What are the main directions of scientific research work?


1.Are you a first-year student of MSURE?

2. What institute do you study at?

3. What is your speciality?

4. How long do you have to study to get a diploma?

5. How many students does your group consist of?

6. What subjects do you study?

7. How many terms does the academic year consist of?

8. Do you live in a hostel?

9. What facilities does MSURE have?

10. Where would you like to work after graduating from the



  1. What has the Educational Reform Act in the UK led to?
  2. What is a National Curriculum?
  3. How many children attend private fee-paying schools?
  4. What is the education system in the UK divided into?
  5. At what age do children have to attend school in Britain?
  6. When does school start in Britain?
  7. What is GCSE?
  8. Where does FE take place?
  9. What degrees can students getat a university?
  10. What is a sandwich course?


  1. How are the main US Universities ranked according to the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities?
  2. How do the accreditation agencies rate universities and colleges?
  3. How do the colleges and universities in the USA vary in terms of goals?
  4. What are the types of the higher education institutions in the US?
  5. What is the difference between the tuition charged in public and private universities?
  6. How do students in the USA pay tuition fee?
  7. How do students traditionally apply to receive admission into colleges or universities?
  8. What is an undergraduate academic degree in the USA?
  9. What is a postgraduate academic degree in the USA?
  10. What is a PhD degree?


1.Как делятся наречия по своей форме?

2. Что такое простое наречие?

3. Что такое производное наречие?

4. Что такое сложное наречие?

5. Что такое составное наречие?

6. Как образуются степени сравнения наречий?

7. Как делятся наречия по своему значению?

8 Какое место наречий в предложении?

9. Как изменяются прилагательные в английском языке?

10. Какими могут быть имена прилагательные по своему составу?

11. Как образуются степени сравнения прилагательных?

12. Как вы понимаете выражение”субстантивированные прилагательные”?

13. Приведите примеры?

14. Какая функция прилагательных в предложении?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 313 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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