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1. Childhood means complete freedom from care, responsibility, social and economic pressures. Isn't it happiness? By comparison, adults are anxiety-ridden во власти беспокойства, tired, worried.

2. Adults have to choose everything for their children who don't know anything about the surrounding окружающем world and so cannot choose for themselves. Of course, a grown-up woman knows more about good taste in clothes than her adolescent молодая daughter and can advise her better than her teenage friends. As to choosing friends, it is the parents' duty to protect their children from bad influence.

3. Children should be manipulated so as not to interfere with the elders who have lives of their own to live.

4. Children cannot be "independent": first, they are dependent on their parents for food, clothes, place to live in, education, entertainments. Second, they are spiritually dependent on their parents because their own spiritual values are yet unformed.

5. Going to school every day and doing homework may be heavy tasks for a child. But is there nothing to say for the sheer абсолютное joy of acquiring knowledge? Are there no good, understanding teachers whom one remembers all through one's life?

6. As to "tyrants ", what about children who harass изводят their bewildered сбитых с толку parents with constant demands for expensive clothes, motor­-


cycles, luxury holidays, etc., without stirring a finger to earn at least part of the money for all these things?

7. Childhood is the incomparable joy of discovering the world for the first time. All things around are full of colour and life which we nostalgically miss in our adult life.

8. Adolescence подростковый возраст is the spring of adult life, of the first awakening of "grown-up" feelings, romantic dreams, hopes and plans for the future. No matter how painful the process of growing up may be, the young are secretly sure that something wonderful is in store for them.

9. Adolescents подростки have moments of intense happiness never recaptured взято обратно in adult life.

10. Friendships formed in возникшая adolescence sometimes, last through all life. It's people with whom you made friends when very young who understand you best.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 314 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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