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Copy out from Text Seven the sentences containing the word combinations and phrases given above and translate them into Russian

10. Paraphrase the following sentences using the word combinations and phrases:

1. He was quite conscious of the general disapproval, but regard­ed his critics indifferently and patiently. – He was well aware of the general disapproval, but regard­ed his critics indifferently and patiently. He didn't seem particular­-


ly hurt even by the wildest accusations and answered them rather humorously than otherwise. – He didn't seem particular­ly having taken offence even by the wildest accusations and answered them rather touch of humour than otherwise. 2. "Let us temporarily drop the subject. – Let us drop the subject for the time being. – We are not likely to achieve any results by this messy argument. We are likely not to get any­where by this messy argument." 3. Young people will never understand their parents while they judge them from the point of their own views and tastes. –Young people will never understand their parents while they apply their own standards to them. So far as that is concerned, the same goes for the parents. – For that matter, the same goes for the parents. People can never under­stand each other at all unless they are ready to meet each other halfway. People can never under­stand each other at all unless they turn a tolerant eye on each other. 4. Jack was a competent and efficient employee, and every­one expected him to make a good career. – Jack was a competent and efficient employee, and every­one expected him to work himself up to a good position.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 552 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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