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Sum up the content of the text in six sentences

3. Explain the following:

Snorkeling плавать под водой с маской и трубкой, wind-surfing; "undiscovered" spots (comment on the inverted commas); escapist hideouts; one way around the problem is to make do with just talking about it; a claustrophobic city

4. Answer the following questions:

1. In what sense are the words "escape" and "escapist" used in the text? 2. What is the author's idea of a holiday? 3. To what way of holiday-making is it opposed in the article? 4. Why do some people exp'ose themselves to all kinds of strenuous and dangerous activities on their holidays? 5. Why does the author refer to them as "travel snobs"? 6. What does the author mean by "holiday heroes"? 7. Do you share the author's sarcastic attitude to holiday heroes? Proba­bly, they are genuine heroes? 8. Is the phenomenon described in the article as "travel snobbery" typical only of the foreign countries? Have you met (or, at least, read about) any travel snobs?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 387 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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