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Elisabeth Allen, 20, student

The theatre is not only my favourite pastime. It occupies an im­mense part of my life. I think it is the greatest of the arts, I believe it to be the school of life, and the happiest moments of my own life have certainly been lived in theatres.

Sometimes one hears that the days of the theatre are over because it cannot successfully compete with the films and TV. I think that is nonsense. How can the theatre be compared with the cinema! In the latter в последнем случае you just stare таращите глаза at flat dead shades on the screen. In the theatre you communicate with living breathing people who share with you their joys and sorrows, and — what is more — their joys and sorrows are also your joys and sorrows. In their problems you recognize your own, and you are no longer alone. The drama properly staged and acted is not only communication but communion общение.

2. Look through the monologues and select the main problems raised by the speakers. Give your own view of each problem confirming or refuting the speak­er's opinion.


Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 593 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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