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Copy out from Text Two the sentences containing the word combinations and phrases given above and translate them into Russian

8.Paraphrase the following sentences using the word combinations and phrases:

1. Conflict almost tore her apart – She almost took to her bed over the conflict. She was not sure whether she should have the heart to talk with them or keep her plans secret. – She was not sure whether she should have the heart to talk with them or keep her own counsel. 2. Before she has a special check on her heart and general condition we must take care of her. – Before she has a special check on her heart and general condition she wants our caring. We should think about her health in the first place. – Her health should be our first consideration. 3. He had drive and energy... – He is as hard as nails… Besides, he could be pitiless, so


Johnson thought he was the right man to run his business. – Besides, he could be pitiless, so

Johnson thought he is apt to do his business. 4. I doubt ifmy opinion will have enough weight. – I think my opinion want a reasoning. As a rule youngsters disre­gard the advice of adults. As a rule youngsters are apt to disre­gard the advice of adults. 5. She could hardly hold her temper in check. –She wanted bridling her temper. She wished to say very unladylike things to him. – She have very much a mind to say very unladylike things to him. 6. For some reasons of his own he held back some information and kept his plans secret. – For some reasons of his own he kept his own counsel. 7. Your dress is stained. It needs to be cleaned. – It wants a cleaning.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 964 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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