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A)Study the extracts given below and single out the main idea of the author

b)If you agree with the author, expand on his idea. If you don't, give your

c) Discuss the problems in class giving your own "for and against".

— There are, of course, truly artful teachers and brilliant students. Perhaps some day we will understand their skills and talents and how they acquired them, so that we can systematically produce more of


them. At present, however, they are true exceptions that defy spec­ification. We simply do not know what makes an artful teacher.

—Most students spend most of their school days doing or avoid­ing things they don't want to do. Though we've abandoned the cane, education is still based largely on punishment.

—If a student's work is regularly followed by praise, recognition for improvement and persistence, advancement and good marks for each piece of work, chances are the rate and quality of his work will continue to improve.

—A glaring example of the irresponsible use of punishment is the struggle carried on in certain schools against different fashions — hairstyles, maxi- and mini-skirts, and so on. This question should be approached in the context of instilling good taste by such means as displays of the most suitable models, debates, honest arguments, discussions and others.

—Children are unconscious reflections of what goes on in the parent underneath. A man and a woman can seem to be nice, calm, sweet people and then they get married and have children who be­ come monsters and you wonder, "How did they deserve that?" But if you probe very deep inside you'll find that the calm exterior is wrapped around a very deep problem of non-recognition of self and that deeper self gets mirrored in the child.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 494 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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