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A) Read the following text

Special attention should be paid to the role of the conference lead­er. His duties are: 1) to plan for the conference, 2) to encourage gen­eral participation, 3) to make frequent summaries, 4) to keep the discussion on the subject, 5) to make suggestions by means of ques­tions, 6) to arrange устраивать for each participant to receive a written summa­ry of the conference as soon as possible after it is over.

Summarizing is extremely important: the summary takes what is worthy достойное of attention and holds it up for everyone. Failure to listen causes men to get away from the subject, and it is part of the lead­er's role to get them back again.


If the object in holding the conference is to get others' thoughts, the leader ought not to declare his own views until he has heard theirs. The conference leader can make suggestions by the method of asking questions. E.g., let's assume that you have a participant who is making generalisations. He makes a lot of them. You can ask, "Can you give us a specific example of that point? "

To ask questions instead of making declarative statements is con­ductive to obtaining more participation.

b ) Learn the following conversational formulas and phrases which are common at conferences and public meetings:


The meeting is declared open.

The floor is open for nomina­tions.

We are to elect the chair/the president and the secretary of the meeting.

I move (make a motion) (that) nominations (should) be. closed.

I second the motion.

The floor is open for discussion.

Conduct the meeting, please.

N. will keep the minutes.

The following items are on the agenda; Item One... Item Two...

The agenda is carried (adopted, passed).

The floor is given to N. for the re­port.

There is a motion to fix the time limit at 10 minutes.

Submit questions in writing, please.

Who asks the floor?

May I speak on the point in question?

Разрешите считать собрание открытым.

Прошу выдвигать кандидатуры.

Мы должны выбрать председателя и секретаря собрания.

Предлагаю прекратить выдвижение кандидатур.

Поддерживаю предложение.

Начинаем прения.

Пожалуйста, ведите собрание.

Н. будет вести протокол.

На повестке дня следующие вопросы: 1. … 2. …

Повестка дня принята.

Слово для доклада предоставляется Н.

Есть предложение установить регламент 10 минут.

Вопросы прошу подавать в письменном виде.

Кто просит слова?

Разрешите высказаться (выступить) по данному вопросу.


May I take the floor? Прошу слова.

N. has the floor. Слово предоставляется Н.

The motion is carried (adopted). Предложение принято.

The motion is voted down (over­ruled). Предложение отклонено.

Let's attend to the other items of the agenda. Есть предложение перейти к другим пунктам


I move that the discussion should be stopped Я предлагаю прекратить прения

owing to the late hour. в связи с недостатком времени.

Hear! Hear! Правильно! Правильно!

I'm putting the matter to the vote. Ставлю вопрос на голосование.

Shall we draw up a resolution on Будем ли мы принимать резолюцию по

the points discussed? обсуждаемым вопросам?

The resolution is passed unanimously Резолюция принята единогласно

(by an overwhelming majority). (Подавляющим большинством голосов).

The majority has it. Принято большинством голосов.

Who's in favour of(against) it? Кто за (против)?

Who's Abstained (from voting)? Кто воздержался (от голосования)?

The agenda is complete. Повестка дня исчерпана.

I declare the meeting closed. Объявляю собрание закрытым.

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