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VII. Make up 10 questions to the text. Use them as your plan for retelling the text


I. Read the following words and word combinations paying attention to their pronunciation:

to be situated (= to be located) – находиться, располагаться

to fade – вянуть

feather-grass - ковыль

wormwood (= absinthe) - полынь

scarce - редкий

to dry up - высыхать

sharply continental climate – резко- континентальный климат

to be strengthened with – усиливаться чем-либо

exceed - превышать

mute (=silent) – безмолвный,


monotonous – однообразный, скучный

to be covered with - быть покрытым

in abundance – в изобилии

is as follows – следующим образом

to pasture the herd – пасти стадо

to make a fire – разжечь костёр

to flame up - вспыхивать

merchant - купец

to extract coal – добывать уголь

copper-smelting plant – медеплавильный завод

the shortage of necessary means – нехватка необходимых средств

to lead (bring) to the crash of the company –привести к краху компании

with profit (gain) – с выгодой

miners’ settlements –шахтёрские посёлки

to turn into – превратиться

to supply with – снабжать чем-либо

temporally - временно

to play an important role in – играть важную роль в чём-либо

the arboreal and shrub races (breeds, species) – древесные и кустарниковые породы

maple - клён

larch - лиственница

fir-tree – ель

pine - сосна

birch-tree -берёза,

poplar - тополь

to get an idea of – иметь представление о

to take somebody around the city –провести кого-либо по городу

straight - прямой

broad - широкий

stream - поток

the busiest thoroughfare - самая загруженная магистраль

to faced with marble and granite – быть покрытым мрамором и гранитом

to make a great impression on somebody – произвести глубокое впечатление на

to be erected after the design of – быть сооружённым (построенным) по проекту

place of interest (sightseeing) - достопримечательность

to attract attention – привлечь внимание

to ram the burning plane into a column of fascist tanks – направить горящий самолёт в колонну фашистских танков

Cosmic Harbor – космическая гавань

to be surprised at – удивиться чему-либо

to be buried in greenery – утопать в зелени

It is worth seeing – Это стоит увидеть

to greet - приветствовать

in memory of – в память о

to lead to – вести к чему- либо

distinctive feature - отличительная черта

II. Read and translate the text:

Karaganda – My Native City

Karaganda, situated in Central Kazakhstan, is the second largest city in Kazakhstan after Almaty. It has a population about 500,000. It‘s one of the major industrial and cultural centres of the Rebublic. The industry has developed here on the basis of the Karaganda coal deposits. The industries closely related with coal mining, light and food industries have also developed here. The present-day Karaganda is a city of miners, machine-builders, scientists and students. There are several universities, a TV centre, three theatres, a Museum of Regional Studies, a circus, a botanical garden, a zoo, parks, sports palaces and stadiums, etc.

The famous Kazakh steppe Sary-Arka where Karaganda is situated can be translated from Kazakh into English as the Golden Steppe. It’s green only in spring and in June everything is faded and the steppe becomes golden-yellow. Karagan (yellow acacia bushes), tamarisk, zhuzgun, feather-grass, wormwood (absinth ) grow here.

The rivers in the Karaganda region are very scarse and carry little water. The names of the rivers that flow here are translated as Dry, Blind, Waterless. They are named so because in summer they dry up partly or fully. The longest river of the region is the Nura.

The climate of the Karaganda region is sharply continental. Earlier the minimum temperature in January was 40 degrees below zero. It was strengthened with stormy winds. But at present because of global warming the minimum temperature in winter doesn’t exceed 10-15 degreesbelow zero. The maximum temperature in June is 40 degrees above zero.

For centuries the whole territory of the Karaganda region was the mute (silent) monotonous steppe covered with hard and wild bush karagan that grew here in abundance. From this shrub the city got its name.

There are several legends about the find of coal in the Karaganda land. One of them is as follows:

In 1833 Appak Baizhanov, the young Kazakh shepherd, pasturing the master’s herd on the territory of the present Karaganda made a fire and threw a black stone into it. The stone flamed up. It was coal. But only in the middle of the 19th century (1856) the Russian merchant Ushakov having heard of it, bought the pasture with coal by the area of 100 square kilometers for 250 roubles.

The Russian merchants began extracting coal for the Spassky copper-smelting plant. But the great distance from the railway station (600-700 kilometers, the main means of transport was camel), the shortage of necessary means, the indifference of the tsarist government to the development of industry in Karaganda led (brought) to the crash of the company.

At the beginning of the 20th century the Russian merchants sold the mines and the plant to the French capitalist Carno, who in two years resold them to the English people with profit (gain).

Until 1934 when the construction of the new city began, there were only a few miners’ settlements.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 the Karaganda industrialregion turned into the country’s powerful arsenal and supplied the country with coal together with the Kuzbass because the Donbass was temporally occupied by fascists. Kazakhstanskaya Magnitka, the Karaganda steel works, now called Mittal Steel, began to produce steel for the front. After finishing the war the coal industry of Karaganda became to develop rapidly.

Nowadays Karaganda is an up-to-date city. It is not only an industrial, but a cultural centre, too. There are three theatres in Karaganda. They are the Kazakh Drama theatre named after Saken Seifullin, the founder of the Kazakh Soviet literature, the Russian Drama theatre after Konstantin Stanislavsky, a famous stage director, and the Musical Comedy theatre, the only in Kazakhstan. The drama theatres were founded in the 30s of the last century when the construction of Karaganda began.

The Botanical Garden plays an important role in planting greenery in Karaganda. It studies the arboreal and shrub races (breeds, species) and uses them in the planting of g Nurken Abdirov Sports Palace greenery in Central Kazakhstan. At present maple, karagach, larch, fir-tree, birch-tree, poplar, pine and other trees and bushes grow here.

If your friend from another city arrives in Karaganda for the first time, to get an idea of the city you will keep him company and take him around the city and show straight and broad streets and avenues. There are streams of buses, trolley-buses and cars in the streets, crowds of people crossing the streets in different directions. The busiest thoroughfare, Bukhar Zhyrau Avenue, was erected after the design of Moscow architects in 1930. The Miners‘ Palace of Culture built in 1951, one of the finest buildings of the city, faced with marble and granite in Bukhar Zhyrau Avenue will make a great impression on your friend. Crossing the street underground you will find yourselves near the Miners’ Glory monument erected by the Karaganda sculptor Bilyk. The Sports Palace in Nurken Abdirov Avenue which is one of the greatest places of interest of the town will attract your friend’s attention. Opposite the Palace there is a monument to the Karaganda pilot Nurken Abdirov who in 1942 rammed his burning plane into a column of fascist tanks.

Andrian Nikolaev and Pavel Popovich, and in 1963 greeted the first woman-cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova. The Chaika hotel is called so in memory of staying Valentina Tereshkova here.

The abundance of trees is a distinctive feature of Peace Boulevard, Chkalov Street, Lenin Street. Peace Boulevard, some 80 metres wide, with almost two kilometers of different trees will lead youto the Karaganda Technical University.

Chaika Hotel

Welcome to Karaganda!

III. Answer the following questions:

1. What is your hometown?

2. Where is Karaganda situated?

3. What is the population of Karaganda?

4. What goods are produced in Karaganda?

5. What is the best season in Karaganda?

6. What do you like best about Karaganda?

7. What part of the city do you like best of all?

8. What is the worst thing about Karaganda?

9. What is the geography of the city? (beach, mountains, etc.)

10. What is the average temperature in winter (summer)?

11. Is the city growing? Is this the good or bad thing?

12. How many years have you lived in Karaganda?

13. Where did your maternal and paternal great-great parents live or come from?

Er, I say,

14. What are some of the advantages (disadvantages) of living in the city?

15. Do you know the neighbors who live near you?

16. What are some differences between living in the city and living in the country?


17. What changes would you like to make in Karaganda?

18. What would be important to consider when designing a city?

19. Is your city well-planned? Describe a perfect city.

IV. Translate the expressions into English and memorize them:

угольное месторождение; краеведческий музей; глобальное потепление; 40 градусов ниже (выше) нуля; степь покрыта кустарником; пасти отару; развести костёр; привести к краху компании; медеплавильный завод; быть на большом расстоянии от; продать с прибылью; нехватка необходимых средств; шахтёрский посёлок; превратиться в; снабжать чем-либо; металлургический комбинат; развиваться быстрыми темпами; играть важную роль; прибывать в; прямые и широкие улицы; произвести впечатление на; созданный кем-либо; достопримечательность; привлечь внимание; космическая гавань; в память о; отличительная черта.

V. Insert the correct prepositions where necessary:

1. Industry has developed here … the basis … the Karaganda coal deposits. 2. When you arrive … Moscow you will be surprised … Red Square. 3. We are greatly enjoyed a ride... the city ... ataxi. 4. The buildings built.... the suburbs are as modern and beautiful as those ... the centre... the town. 5. Most... the places... interest are as a rule situated … the centre … the city. 6. Tourists always admire the Moscow metro, the beauty... its architecture different... each station. 7. There were crowds... people... the streets … the first... Janu­ary. 8.... which direction did he go? — He was walking... the direction … Red Square. I planned to leave... Almaty... the 5th July. 10. These splendid multi-storeyed houses are inhabited... workers... different mines. 11.... their great surprise the picture did not impress me... all. 12. The dean’s speech made a great impression... the students. 13. They were sitting side... side.14. We were all greatly impressed... his knowledge … so many foreign languages.

VI. Put the proper expressions into the sentences:

is situated, strengthened with, exceed, turned into, flamed up, with profit, supplied with, made a fire.

1. The minimum temperature doesn’t …15 degrees below zero. 2. The mines were resold to the English people … 3. The severe frosts were … stormy winds. 4. The Karaganda industrial region … the country’s powerful arsenal and … the country … coal. 5. Karaganda, the second largest city the of the Rebublic … in Central Kazakhstan. 6. A young Kazakh shepherd … and threw a black stone into it. The stone ….

VII. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Я сожалею, я не могу сказать – я приезжий. 2. Я совсем сбился с пути.

3. До 1934 года здесь были только шахтёрские посёлки. 4. В 1996 Карагандинский политехнический институт стал Техническим университетом. 5. Вы не подскажете мне дорогу к Торговому центрую 6. Технический университет играет важную роль в развитии науки в нашем регионе. 7. Степь покрыта полынью, ковылём, жузгуном и караганом, который раньше рос здесь в огромном количестве. 8. Одна из легенд гласит, чтo уголь нашёл юноша по имени Аппак Байжанов, который пас здесь стадо овец. 9. В 1962 году Караганда была названа космической гаванью. 10. Отличительной чертой улицы Ленина является обилие зелени.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 864 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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