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Good Energy News

When we burn coal and oil for energy, we cause pollution. But little by little we're getting more energy from the sun and the wind. This energy is clean and renewable (that means we'll never run out of it). Energy from the sun now helps heat and light more than 100,000 homes in the United States. More good news: many electric com­panies have discovered that saving energy is better than making more energy. So they can send experts to homes in the U.S. to look for energy "leaks"-places where energy is be­ing wasted. Everyone needs to have his/her home checked for leaks.

Poisons In Food

Farmers often spray chemicals on crops to pro­tect them against pests. These chemicals are called pesticides. Scientists have found that pesticides often end up in our food. Pesti­cides can cause health problems - especially for kids. But here's the good news: the U.S. government is helping farmers find ways to protect crops without us­ing many pesticides.

Cleaner Cars

Cars are the world's biggest air polluters. But scientists are trying to in­vent cars that pollute less. Farmers in Illinois are try­ing a fuel in their tractors made from soybeans. And there are electric minivans being used in at least six U.S. cities.


In 1993, each person in the United States threw away about four pounds (1.8 kg) of trash daily. Put it all together and you'd fill 45,000 trash trucks every day! About 1/3 of this waste comes from packaging. But here's a bit of good news. Some compa­nies have begun to use less packaging. And lot of U.S. cities have started recy­cling projects. In these ways we've begun making less trash. Everyone should look at what they throw away and try to throw away less.

So, dear world, you may be covered with dirt and gasping for air. But many people are working hard to fix you, and many kids are rooting for you, too. By the time these kids have grown up, you may do your clean old self again!


Dear Students!

Take care of your motherland! Don’t cut the wild flowers. They may all disappear. Plant one oak tree a year. From one oak a forest grows. It is very simple. Put one acorn (желудь) into the land. Never throw or break glass bottles. You damage the land. Take only what you need from the land. Give more to the land than what you take.

Dmitry S. Krukov



I. Remember the following words and word combinations:

1) body – 2) head – 3) throat – 4) heart – 5) lungs – 6) stomach – 7) shoulder – 8) chest – 9) back – 10) arm (hand) – 11) finger – 12) leg – 13) foot (feet) – 14) knee – 15) toe – 16) tongue – 17) nursing centers – 18) health resorts – 19) disease – 20) to take care of – 21) to avoid – 22) cough – 23) to examine – 24) to listen to – 25) to suffer from – 26) to X-ray – 27) to prescribe – 28) gargle – 29) temperature – 30) blood – 31) treatment – 32) to recover – 33) ambulance – 34) to cure – 35) ward – 36) indigestion – 37) injection – 38) insomnia – 39) surgery – 40) sore throat - тело голова горло сердце легкие живот плечо грудная клетка спина рука (кисть) палец нога нога (ступня) колено палец ноги язык родильный дом санатории болезнь заботиться избежать кашлять изучать, исследовать слушать страдать от делать рентген предписывать полоскание температура кровь лечение выздоравливать машина скорой помощи лечить палата несварение желудка инъекция бессонница хирургия больное горло

II. Read the text:

At the Doctor’s

Health is the most important thing in every person’s life. A large number of clinics, hospitals, nursing centers and health resorts take care of our health. But no matter how hard we try to avoid diseases, sometimes we can’t do it.

In winter, for example, we often catch cold and have the flu. As a result we have a splitting headache, a cold in the head, cough, and we are running a high temperature. Our whole body aches, so we must consult the doctor.

First the doctor examines the patient’s throat, listens to his heart and lungs, feels his pulse and blood pressure, and takes his temperature. The doctor asks what the trouble is, what diseases we suffered from in the childhood, and sometimes he sends us to some other specialists who will check up our stomach, eyesight, and hearing. The others will make our blood analysis, take our blood pressure and X-ray us. And then the district doctor fills the card and diagnoses the case. Then he prescribes a gargle and cough medicines: pills, powder, drops, and mixture. He also advises us to put a hot water bottle to our feet, to put mustard plasters, and to have hot tea with honey and raspberry jam. That would keep the temperature down. We should take care of ourselves and if we follow the prescribed treatment, we will recover soon without any complications.

In case of a sudden and severe illness or an accident calls are made to the first aid station. There the doctors are on duty all day long. There are many ambulances equipped with everything necessary to give the first aid. The patient is transported to hospital. There he is taken to the reception ward first. After questioning and examination the doctor fills in the patient’s case history. Then a patient is given special clothes and is put to some ward for treatment. The doctors make their daily round there. They examine patients and prescribe different medicines and treatments. And only when a patient is completely cured, he is discharged from the hospital.

In order to avoid diseases we must go in for sports because sports make us strong, healthy and cheerful.

III. Translate the word combinations into English:

больницы и родильные дома; отдыхать в санаториях; избежать несчастного случая; заботиться о здоровье; изучать горло пациента; слушать сердце; страдать от кашля; сделать рентген грудной клетки; полоскать горло; кровяное давление; вызвать скорую помощь; выписать из больницы; выписать лекарство; быстро выздоравливать.

IV. Match the words:

1. to catch cold 2. to have the flu 3. to have a splitting headache 4. to have a cold in the head 5. to be running a high temperature 6. to feel smb’s pulse 7. to take smb’s temperature 8. to make smb’s blood analysis 9. to take smb’s blood pressure 10. to diagnose the case 11. to prescribe a medicine 12. to put a hot water bottle 13. to keep the temperature down 14. to give the first aid 15. to avoid diseases 16. to put mustard plasters 17. to recover without complications 18. to go in for sports a) загрипповать b) иметь насморк c) иметь повышенную температуру d) оказать первую помощь e) пощупать пульс f) избежать болезней g) иметь раскалывающуюся головную боль h) сделать анализ крови i) выписать лекарство j) простыть k) измерить кровяное давление l) измерить температуру m) заниматься спортом n) поставить диагноз o) поставить горчичники p) поставить горячую грелку q) выздороветь без осложнений r) сбить температуру

V. Read the sentences and translate the Russian words and word combinations into English:

a) A large number of clinics, hospitals, (роддомов и санаториев) (заботятся о нашем здоровье). But no matter how hard we try (избежать болезни), sometimes we can’t do it.

b) We often (простываем) and (гриппуем). As a result (у нас раскалывается голова, насморк, кашель), and (у нас повышенная температура).

c) First the doctor (осматривает горло пациента, слушает его сердце и легкие, измеряет его пульс и кровяное давление, и измеряет его температуру).

d) The others (сделают анализ крови, измерят кровяное давление и сделают рентген) us and only then the doctor (поставит диагноз).

e) The doctor usually (выписывает лекарство от кашля) and advises us (ставить грелку) to our feet, (поставить горчичники, полоскать горло), and to have (горячий чай с медом и малиновым вареньем), that would (сбить температуру).

f) If we follow the (предписанное лечение), we (выздоравливаем без осложнений).

g) There are (много машин скорой помощи) equipped with everything necessary (чтобы оказать первую помощь).

VI. Make up the questions to the following answers:

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 2224 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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