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Read the conversation between Kelly and her mother and describe the house and the garden Kelly is speaking about

Kelly: Mum, I’ve got good news. We’ve bought that house in Hampstead.

Mother: Have you? Oh, good. Now tell me about it.

Jane: It is a two-storied country style house about thirty minutes drive from the city. High ceilings, fireplaces and all that.

Mother: How is it planned?

Jane: You come into the hall from the front door. When you are in the hall, there are three doors – one on the left, one on the right and one at the far end. The room at the end can be turned into a study. The one on the right would make a good big lounge, because its windows overlook a pond.

Mother: What about the third door at the far end?

Jane: That one leads into a sun-porch running across the back of the house.

Mother: And where is the kitchen?

Jane: It’s on the ground floor. You may get there two ways. If you go down the

hall into the sun-porch, there is a door on the left in the doorway leading off the lounge to the kitchen. Or you may walk into the lounge and when you are standing in the doorway, there is a door on the left leading off the lounge to the kitchen.

Mother: That’s good. The kitchen should be adjacent to the lounge. Is there a storeroom anywhere on the ground floor?

Jane: We may put a dividing wall at the part of the sun-porch and convert it into a storeroom.

Mother: What about the bedrooms?

Jane: When you turn to the left from the stairs, you are in a corridor with two bedrooms on both sides just above the study and the lounge.

Jane: Come on. Look at it. There is a wonderful view of the park from its window.

Mother: That’s great. Marvelous!

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 809 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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