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1. You are invited to the party. What is your reaction?

a) Good! I enjoy going to the parties because I hope to meet some new people.

b) I don’t want to go! Nobody spoke to me at the last party.

c) I like going to the parties because I like being the center of attention.

2. You are at the party. Everyone is telling jokes.

a) You are capable of telling dozens of jokes.

b) You manage to remember a couple of jokes.

c) You can’t think of a single joke or avoid telling something in public.

3. You realize that you have nothing planned for Saturday evening.

a) You hate spending spare time alone. You ring some friends up and arrange an outing to the cinema.

b) You think, “It is time I have an evening in.”

c) You think, “It’s a good opportunity of reading my new library book.”

4. Do you like risks?

a) Sometimes.

b) Never.

c) Often.

5. You are asked to help organize a group excursion.

a) You accept willingly. You're sure that you're capable of organizing the excursion well.

b) You hesitate for a moment and then accept.

c) You are terrified. You refuse.

6. How do you spend most of your leisure time?

a) By yourself.

b) With one or two friends.

c) In company of many friends.

7. Do you ever think about the meaning of life?

a) Sometimes.

b) Often

c) Never. I’m too busy living.

8. Do you find it easy to make decisions?

a) It depends.

b) It is always easy to decide.

c) I can never make up my mind.

9. You have a new boy-friend / girl-friend. Your friends tease you about him / her and make jokes.

a) You don’t pay attention to their words.

b) You can’t help smiling. You don’t mind being teased.

c) You are embarrassed. You don’t like people making fun of you.

10. Somebody in your group is saying horrible things about you.

a) You get worried about it.

b) You don’t care what they say.

c) You begin saying horrible things about them.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 376 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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