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EXERCISES. Ex. 21. Search the text for the English equivalents to the following phrases: 1

Ex. 21. Search the text for the English equivalents to the following phrases:

1. правительственное учреждение; 2. неограниченный круг лиц, широкая публика; 3. для личного пользования; 4. разделять интерес к; 5. предвидеть потенциал; 6. связанный с применением компьютеров; 7. вознаграждены славой u богатством; 8. неизбежные неудачи; 9. конкурентная среда; 10. непринужденный и искренний; 11. одеваться неформально; 12. менее одной восьмой дюйма; 13. рыночный потенциал; 14. выполнять заказы; 15. самодельный конвейер; 16. приходить в голову; 17. с самого начала; 18. учитывать потребности; 19. удобный для пользователя; 20. убедить скептиков; 21. тем самым; 22. общий объём продаж компании; 23. поддержать интерес к; 24. разобрать (устройство) на части; 25. беженцы из Германии; 26. неполный рабочий день; 27. занимался электроникой.

Ex. 22. TRUE or FALSE? Correct the false statements. Use the following clichés:

It's true. The statement is partly right. As far as I know…. It goes without saying. Nothing of the kind. In my opinion…. Naturally, it's correct. It's false. I don't know exactly but I think that….

1. Robert Noyce graduated from a prestigious university and gained engineering expertise before he devised the integrated circuit.

2. Robert Noyce was one of the pioneers of the computer industry.

3. The microprocessor influenced the world in ways that its inventors did not foresee and subsequently led to the invention of the integrated circuit.

4. Stephen Wozniak and Steven Jobs used the state-of-the-art technology developed by Robert Noyce when they devised the first personal computer.

5. When Wozniak designed the first model of the PC, he did not plan to market it to the general population.

6. Jobs did not want the PC to be as frightening to the general public as previous computers were, so he insisted that it include features that were practical and attractive.

7. The Apple Computer company sold their computers to thousands of American schools at discounted rates, thereby introducing their product into the homes of millions of students.

8. Alpert was more interested in medicine than in electronics.

9. Martin Alpert foresaw that the success of the first IBM personal computer was inevitable, so he bought the first two models and devised ways to change them.

10. Alpert's wife was skeptical about the potential of her husband's technical innovations.

Ex. 23. Some of the following statements describe an activity of an entrepreneur (E), others describe an activity of an inventor (I) and others could describe both titles (B). Identify each one and be prepared to explain your answer.

1. Alexander Graham Bell created the first telephone.

2. Robert Noyce co-invented the integrated circuit and co-founded Intel.

3. In 1890, John Loud made the first ball-point pen.

4. Robert Noyce's engineering expertise contributed to the development of the microprocessor.

5. Robert Noyce's financial investments helped build one of the most successful companies in the Silicon Valley.

6. Steven Jobs had the original idea to market the first personal computer.

7. King C. Gillette designed the first disposable razor blade.

8. A Frenchman named Benedictus introduced the idea of making safety glass in 1903 after he discovered a chemical that held broken glass together.

9. Martin Alpert devised many new products for the personal computer.

10. Martin Alpert's wife managed his business and marketed his products.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 834 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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