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Use the required phrases to complete each sentence

1. Thanks to the integrated circuit, the size of ___ was reduced.

2. The ___ enabled the computer engineers to minimize the size of the CPU.

3. The Altair 8800 was the first ___ designed specially for personal use.

4. The Altair was popular among ___.

5. It took an ___ many hours to assemble the computer.

6. The Apple II had a monitor, its own keyboard, power supply, a ___ and eight slots for peripheral devices.

7. The Apple II used 8-bit microprocessors and had rather limited ___.

8. Daniel Bricklin wrote an accounting program called VisiCalc – the first ___.

9. Intel Corporation's 16-bit 8088 microprocessor was selected as the ___ for the IBM PC.

10. The Lisa was a personal computer designed for ___ that incorporated a mouse to select commands and control an on-screen cursor.

11. The ___ enables users to input commands by clicking on pictures, words, or icons with a pointing device called a mouse.

12. The development of microprocessors that contained increasing numbers of circuits resulted in increases in the ___ of PCs.

13. By 1990, various kinds of portable computers such as laptops, notebook computers, and ___ had been developed.

14. Multimedia PCs equipped with ___ allowed users to handle animated images and sound.

15. Animated images and sound as well as text and still images were stored on ___.

Ex. 20. Read and translate TEXT B, using a dictionary. Give a suitable title to each part of the text. Write a summary of the text. Make use of the phrases given in UNIT TWO.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 374 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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