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Ex. 20. Answer the alternative questions

1. Does the Internet connect hundreds or millions of computers all over the world?

2. Do we use the term "memory" for the internal or external storage of a computer?

3. Is Ctrl an abbreviation for the Control Key or Shift Key on the keyboard?

4. Were the first transistors developed in the USA or in India in 1948?

5. Did Microsoft Corp. release the new version of its Windows operating system (named Vista) in 1995 or in 2006?

6. Do people send email messages with the help of the post office or the Internet?

7. Will all the exam results in English be displayed on the notice board or on the Internet?

8. Are the component parts of the computer called hardware or software?

9. Does a mouse have two or four buttons for the control of text and graphics functions?

10. Can you speak Japanese or Spanish?

11. Was the first computer designed for solving mathematical or linguistic problems?

12. Must you know programming or music to do your research work?

Ex. 21. Put alternative questions to the following sentences:

1. Magnetic disks store more than 100,000,000 bytes of data.

2. The virus wiped everything off my hard disk.

3. It is possible to store a lot more data on a DVD than on a CD.

4. The fastest supercomputers can carry out trillions of calculations per second.

5. The whole incident was recorded on an amateur video tape.

6. The process of writing program instructions is called coding.

7. You should use an italic font to highlight these words.

8. The software package contains five CD-ROMs.

9. This computer program is designed for the first-time users.

10. The first computers were very expensive and difficult to use.

11. Users often complain that the Internet is slow and unreliable.

12. The screen will display the user name in the top right-hand corner.

13. Online newspapers produce the most up-to-date news.

14. This data was collected from 69 countries.

15. He exited the database and switched off the computer.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 382 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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