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Developing vocabulary. 1. Give words defined by the following:

1. Give words defined by the following:

1) a person with authority to maintain discipline, the head of a department of studies;

2) charge or payment for professional advice or services; cost of examination;

3) a right, opportunity or means of reaching, using and approaching;

4) a list of times for doing things;

5) a list of all the courses of study offered by a university;

6) the principal field of study of a student at a university;

7) to get or gain smth. such as trait or ability;

8) a person who applies, a candidate;

9) required by laws;

10) permission to enter;

11) an instruction;

12) person who has been awarded the first degree from a university.

2. Choose the appropriate word from the brackets.

1) My daughter wants to … in a small college in our city. (enroll/ go/ attend )

2) My sister has several opportunities to get a university degree, but she wants to talk this … with our parents. (back/ over/ into)

3) My son is working really hard to…good grades and work part-time, but it is difficult. (analyze/ conserve/ maintain)

4) She received a …to pay for university expenses, so things should be easier for her now. She doesn’t have to worry about paying back any money either. (scholarship/

loan/ major)

5) So what is your … at university? Someone told me you were studying management or something like that. (major/ teacher/ class )

3. Fill in the missing word to complete the sentences below:

1) The Belarusian system of … education includes educational and research institutions that use unified standards in the processes of teaching, management, assessment and research.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 808 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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