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Essence and classification of the EU common policies

Common policies of the EU are common actions of countries-members which are held for the EU aims achievement within the limits of jurisdictions and under an aegis of the EU (has a leading role). They are directed on the solution of common social and political, economic issues in the concrete spheres of life. Common policies are developed by the EU institutes, which assert their purpose, task, measures and mechanisms of realization in the proper program papers. Realization of common policies is based on the European law system, legislation of the EU and principles of European integration. The list of common policies meets the specific of institutional forms of international integration (customs union, common market, economic and currency union), and also principles of democracy and defence of human rights.

On the basis of customs union creation|making| the policy|politics| on forming and development of common internal|inlying| market of the EU and trade adjusting|adjustment| development with the third|third-| countries (including common customs policy) are held. Common market creation includes|switch| the policy|politics| in the field of free movement of goods and services (including common policy|politics| on standardization and certification|sertification|, policy on defence|protection| of intellectual property, policy bank|banking| and financial|cost| services |politics|on market), in the field of labour market and free movement of labour development, in the field of free movement of capitals. Formation of economic|economical| and currency union|conjunction| foresees the single|common| monetary policy|politics| and standardization|unitization| of economic|economical| policy|politics|, in particular|including| providing|ADM| budgetary|on-budget| discipline and financial|cost| solidarity.

Common policies for citizens include|switch|: 1) providing|ADM| of citizens rights and their defence|protection|; 2) information, A.V. and cultural|gracious| policy|politics|; 3) common|common| policy|politics| on defence|protection| of customers rights|consumer|.

Economy regulation is based on horizontal policies and sectoral policies (policies in the different|diverse| sectors of economy). Horizontal common policies are such policies, which|what| aims, tasks|task| and measures|step| are spread on all spheres or sectors of the European economy. They are: 1) policy|politics| of regional development (regional policy|politics|); 2) policy|politics| of social development (social policy|politics|); 3) tax policy|politics|; 4) competition policy|politics||concerning|; 5) environment policy|politics|.

Sectoral policies are such policies, which aims, tasks|task| and measures|step| concern certain|definite| spheres or sectors of economy. They are: 1) industrial and enterprise policy|politics|; 2) policy for research and technological development; 3) energy policy|politics|; 4) transport|cargo-carrying| policy|politics|; 5) agricultural|farin| policy|politics|; 6) fisheries policy |piscary|. All of horizontal and sectoral policies have an international aspect, that is why|that is why| their measures|step| are supported|underprop| by external|outward| policies of the EU.

The external policies of the EU are|behave|: 1) common foreign and security policy (CFSP); 2) external trade and economic policy; 3) relations with certain countries or region; 4) common development aid policy.

(See http://www.europarl.europa.eu/factsheets/default_en.htm).

Common policies holding is related|ties| to formation of economic|economical|, informative, research and development|, policy spaces at the EU|space|, and also to the use of conception and by creation|making| of Trans-European networks|net| (in particular|including| transport|cargo-carrying|, energy, A.V. etc.).

All common policies are|appear| interconnected|. Their separate aims, tasks|task| and measures|step| are integrated into concrete directions of common social and economic policy,|politics| which foresees use|utillizing| of special institutional mechanisms (programs, projects, networks|net| etc.). In accordance|homology| with Lisbon strategy common policies of the EU must be directed|ducted| on the increasing|rise| of competitiveness of the European economy (mainly|par excellence| due to stimulation of innovations), providing|ADM| of employment and steady development.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-26; Прочитано: 283 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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