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Powers and functions

The debating chamber, or "hemicycle", in Strasbourg

In some respects, the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers resemble the upper and lower houses of a bicameral legislature. Neither the Parliament nor the Council may initiate EU legislation, only the Commission can do so, and in this respect the European Parliament is different from most national legislative assemblies.

However, once a proposal for an EU law or directive has been introduced by the Commission, it must usually be approved by both Parliament and Council in order to come into force. The Parliament may amend and block legislation in those policy areas that fall under the codecision procedure, which currently make up about three-quarters of EU legislative acts. Remaining policy areas fall under either the assent procedure or (in a very few cases) the consultation procedure; under the former Parliament may veto but not amend proposals, while under the latter it has only a formal right to be consulted. The Parliament controls the EU budget, which must be approved by the Council in order to become law.

The debating chamber of the European Parliament in Brussels. Translation booths are on the front-side walls.

The President of the European Commission is chosen by the European Council, but must be approved by Parliament before he or she can assume office. The remaining members of the Commission are then appointed by the President, subject to approval of Parliament. Parliament accepts or rejects the Commission (except the President) as a whole.

The European Parliament exerts a function of democratic supervision over all of the EU's activities, particularly those of the Commission. If the Parliament adopts a motion of censure, the entire Commission must resign (formally, Commissioners cannot be censored individually). However, a motion of censure must be approved by at least a two-thirds majority in order to have effect.

Parliament also appoints the European Ombudsman.

Under the proposed new Constitution for Europe, Parliament's powers would be enhanced, with almost all policy areas coming under co-decision, greater powers of democratic scrutiny for Parliament, and control over the whole EU budget.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-26; Прочитано: 225 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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