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Food and Drink

Britain has large food and drink manufacturing industry, which has accounted for a growing proportion of total domestic food supply in recent decades. Approximately 500,000 people are employed in the industry.

Frozen and prepared children foods, annual sales of which stand at over ₤3,600 million and ₤1,800 million respectively, other convenience foods, yoghurts, dairy desserts and instant snacks have formed the fastest-growing sector of the food market in recent years. Demand for health and slimming foods also continues to expand and there has been a rise in sales of organically-grown produce as well as a variety of products for vegetarians (soya-based foods, for instance).

Of major significance among alcoholic drinks produced in Britain in Scotch whisky, one of Britain's top export earners. there are 110 distilleries in Scotland, where the best known brands of blended Scotch whisky, such as J& B, Johnnie Walker, Famous Grouse and Teachers, are made from the products of single malt and single grain whisky distilleries. About four-fifths of Scots whisky production is exported, to more that 200 countries; the value of exports was ₤2,100 million in 1993.

The soft drinks industry is the fastest-growing sector of the grocery trade, with an annual turnover of about ₤6,000 million.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-26; Прочитано: 193 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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