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Advantages of Computer Data Processing. Часи групи Continuous в активному та пасивному стані

Часи групи Continuous в активному та пасивному стані.

*1.Read and memorize the following terms:

Manual-ручной, виконаний в ручную;

to take advantage of smth-користуватися ч-л.;

capability - здібність; можливість; характеристика;

accuracy- точність; правильність; чіткість (зображення);

correctly – правильні, вірні;

to eliminate - відстороняти; видаляти; скасовувати; ліквідувати;

to make errors – допустити помилки;

error-prone - схильний до помилок;

to remain vulnerable – залишатися вразливим;

communications networks – мережі передачі даних;

travel – переміщення, проходження, шлях, хід;

invalid response – відповідати, реагувати;

access – доступ, вхід, мати доступ;

capacity of storage – об’єм (ємкість) пам’яті;

to respond – відповідати, реагувати;

to retrieve – добувати, вибирати(данні), виправляти (файли)

value – значення; величина, вартість, оцінка, оцінювати;

objective – ціль, вимога, цільова функція;

cost-effective – економічний, економічно-доцільний;

challenge - трудність;

*2.Read the following international words and decide which of them are “pseudo-friends” of and computer terms a translator. Translate them into Ukrainian.

Design, system, communication, office, personal, microcomputer, effective, industrial, manner, second, fraction, manipulation, accuracy, human, corporate, oriented.

*3.a) Analyses given below groups of words with the same root as to their form, meaning and parts of speech.

To manipulate – manipulation;

to compute – computation – computational;

to transmit – transmitted – transmission;

to enter – entry – entered;

to eliminate – elimination – limited;

to communicate – communicate – communicative;

to store – storage – stored – storing;

vulnerable – vulnerability – vulnerably;

to reserve – reservation – reservoir.

*b) Translate the words above, paying attention to their suffixes and fill in the table.

Noun Verm Adjective Adverb

*4. Read the following words and guess the meaning of their variants paying attention to their suffixes and prefixes.

Accuracy: inaccurate, accuracy, inaccurate, accurately;

To respond: respondent, response, responsible, irresponsible;

Correctly: correct, incorrect, to correct, correction, correctional, corrective, corrector;

Invalid: valid, invalidity, validity;

Access: accessible, inaccessible, accessibility, inaccessibility.

*5. Work with your partner to talk about the advantages of computer data processing. Let him/her guess what kind of a computer’s ability or capability is mentioned.

Student1: à Student2:

1. The possibility of error is reduced. accuracy

2. Data transmission through communications ease of communication speed


4. To process data in a few seconds/a fraction

of a second.

*6. Read the verbs on the right and match them with word-combinations on the left to understand the advantages of computers. Translate into Ukrainian.

To combine a) the capabilities of both humans and computers;

To take b) advantage of four capabilities of computers;

To eliminate c) vulnerable to the entry of invalid data;

To remain d) an enquiry through a data communications system;

To receive e) an instant response;

To provide SMB f) with access to a reservoir of a data base;

To store g) a vast amount of information;

To get h) further manipulation by information;

To make i) computational errors.

*7. Which of the given terms: manner, systems, tasks, data processing system, society can go together with the following compound words? Make word-combinations and give their Ukrainian equivalents. It there is any difficulty, consult a dictionary.

1 Error – prone manner

2 Cost – effective systems

3 Post – industrial tasks

4 Information – based society (is used twice)

5 Satellite – based data processing

6 Computer – oriented

*8. Read the text and state the advantages of computers. Translate it into Ukrainian.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-26; Прочитано: 430 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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