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Passive Voice


1. Match the two parts of these sentences to make well-known proverbs and sayings and find their Ukrainian equivalents in the box.

1. Marriages are made 2. Easily earned money 3. The devil is not so black 4. Things done 5. Better untaught 6. A man is known a) cannot be undone. b) by the company he keeps. c) than badly taught. d) is quickly spent. e) as he is painted. f) in heaven.
a)Шлюби здійснюються на небесах. b)Недовчений гірше невченого. c)Не так страшний чорт, як його малюють. d)Скажи, хто твій друг, і я скажу, хто ти. e)Після бійки кулаками не махають. f)Як прийшло, так і пішло.

2.Rewrite the sentences in the passive, omitting the word in brackets.

1. (They) opened the theatre only last month.

2. (People) will soon forget it.

3. (You) must write the answers in ink.

4. (Someone) has taken two of my books.

5. (We) have already filled the vacancy.

6. What should (one) do in such cases?

7. Did (they) say anything interesting?

8. Has (anyone) ever made the situation clear to you?

9. (One) should keep milk in a refrigerator.

10. I don’t think (anyone) can do it.

3.In this exercise you have to read a sentence and then write a new sentence with the same meaning. Begin in the way shown each time.

M O D E L: They didn’t offer Ann the job. – Ann wasn’t offered the job.

1.They don’t pay Jim very much. – Jim....

2.They will ask you a lot of questions at the interview. – You....

3.Nobody told me that George was ill. – I...

4.His colleagues gave him a present when he retired. – He.....

5.He will send you your examination results as soon as they are ready. – You....

6.They didn’t ask me my name. – I....

4.Translate into Ukrainian.

1.He is very highly spoken of. 2.I was seldom allowed to visit the Roberts. 3.And how do you get on, and where are you being educated? 4.”Do you like him? Is he generally liked?” “ Oh, yes.” 5.I shall be late at the hospital but it can’t be helped. 6.I cannot trifle, or be trifled with. 7.In the meantime there was her daughter to be thought of.

5.Respond, using an interrogative repetition. Then replace the verb form by the appropriate passive form.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 2133 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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