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Passive Voice. 1.Translate into Ukrainian.

be + Ved(3)
Present Indefinite Past Indefinite Future Indefinite
am/is/are Ved(3) was/were Ved(3) shall/will be Ved(3)
English is spoken here. Grapes are not grown in the North. Is this food easily cooked? The door was closed. The letters were not posted yesterday. Were the keys found? The story will be finished soon. The information won’t be received. Will the letter be answered?
  Modal Verb be Ved(3) Passive forms are often used with modal verbs can, must, should, have to, ought to
Difficult rules must be explained. Can such poems be easily memorized? These words don’t have to be learnt by heart.


1.Translate into Ukrainian.

1.Many books are published in Ukraine. 2.The machines are tested by the police. 3.The car is serviced at the garage down the road. 4.These gates aren’t painted every day. 5.A picnic is arranged once a month by our club. 6.I’m not invited to my uncle’s every weekend. 7.Are you invited to Bill’s for tennis every Saturday? 8.Your pets are fed twice a day, aren’t they? 9.My bike was stolen last weekend. 10.The book was finished yesterday. 11.The programme will be broadcasted tomorrow night. 12.Will my room be cleaned tomorrow? 13.Why wasn’t the work done yesterday? 14.When was Kyiv University founded? 15.When was your book published? 16.The exhibition will be opened next month.

2. Supply the missing auxiliary or modal verb.

1.The telegram... sent at five o’clock yesterday. 2.I am sure, a lot of questions... be asked when he finishes speaking. 3.The shops... opened at 3 o’clock in the morning. 4.When... this road made? 5.It’s very cold. You... be warmly dressed. 6.This report... be sent at once.7.This work is easy. It... be done by a child, if you ask me. 8.The doctor... called early in the morning. 9.These questionswon’t... raised at tomorrow’s meeting. 10.The book... be enjoyed by a person of any age. 11.All his documents... lost during the war.12.The traffic rules... be always followed.

3.Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.

1.Bread is eaten every day. 2.The letter was received yesterday. 3.Nick will be sent to Kyiv tomorrow. 4.I was asked at the lesson yesterday. 5.These trees were planted last autumn. 6.Hockey is played in winter. 7.His new book will be finished in two months. 8.Many houses were burnt during the Great Fire of London. 9.Flowers are sold in shops and in the streets. 10.Your luggage will be brought up in the lift.

4. Ask the questions indicated in the brackets.

1.Such books are sold in special shops.(In what shops?) 2.These magazines must be returned in an hour.(When?) 3.The picture was spoilt by fire. (How?) 4.This work can be done in two days. (In how many days?) 5.The money will be spent on food (On what?) 6.Such questions are often raised by students. (By whom?) 7.Hot meals are served in this restaurant till 10 p.m. (Till what time?) 8.Umbrellas and coats must be left in the cloakroom. (What?)

5.Write sentences from the given words.

1.the office / clean / every / day – The office is cleaned every day.

2.these rooms / clean / every day?

3.glass / make / from sand

4.this room / not / use / very often

5.the office / clean / yesterday

6.three people / injure / in the accident / last night

7.when / this bridge / build?

8.how / these windows / break?

6. Answer the following questions according to the model

M O D E L: Aren’t you going to send him a letter? (tomorrow)

It will be sent tomorrow.

1.Aren’t you going to paint your country house this year? (only last year) 2.Aren’t you going to raise this question? (at the next meeting) 3.Aren’t you going to call a doctor? (early in the morning) 4.Aren’t you going to throw away the old newspapers? (at the end of the year) 5.Aren’t you going to prepare his room for his arrival? (yesterday) 6.When are you going to decide this question? (after the examination)

7.Open the brackets using the correct form in the Passive Voice

1.This book (write) many years ago, but it still (read) with great interest. 2.By whom this film (make)? 3.This house (paint) two years ago, I don’t know when it (paint) again. 4.What factory (show) to the visitors tomorrow? 5.Library books must not (keep) longer than fortnight. 6.These facts (not mention) in this report. 7.When the advertisement (place) in the newspaper? 8.This museum (visit) by thousands of people every year. 9.I am afraid our holidays (spoil) by bad weather. 10.When the windows (wash) last?

8.Complete the sentences. Use the passive (present or past) of these verbs:

clean damage find give invite make(2) show steal take

1. The room is cleaned every day.

1.I saw an accident yesterday. Two people ______ to hospital.

2.Paper ______ from wood.

3.There was a fire at the hotel last week. Two of the rooms ______

4.“Where did you get this picture?” “It _____ to me by a friend of mine.”

5.Many American programmes ______ on British television.

6.“Did Jim and Sue go to the wedding?” “No. They ______ but they didn’t go.”

7.“How old is this film?” “It ______ in 1965.”

8.My car ______ last week but the next day it ______ by the police.

9.Express the same using passive.

A:1.We must discuss the contents of the novel. 2.The actors ought to impress the audience. 3.You should stop these chatterboxes. 4.We must introduce the members of the team to each other. 5.People have to transport these boxes as soon as possible. 6.They must translate the speech when the time comes.

B:1.English borrowed a lot of words. 2.A postman brings them a lot of periodicals. 3. Mr William’s secretary will send this telex tomorrow. 4.They didn’t find the origin of the adjective “big”. 5.People easily memorize such words. 6.Somebody bought a bronze candlestick and three green candles.

10.Translate into English.

1.Його часто посилають у відрядження за кордон. 2.Інколи її запрошують в театр. 3.Маленьких дітей завжди люблять.4.Вчора мене відвідала подруга. 5.Ким була розбита ваза? 6.Де була придбана ця гарна сукня? 7.Екзамен будуть здавати через два тижні. 8.Роботу перевірять завтра. 9.Моє кошеня не погодували вранці. 10.Роботу слід робити вчасно.11.На цьому заводівиготовляють сільськогосподарські машини. 12.Твір потрібно було написати ще вчора.


Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 1346 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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