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Topical Vocabulary. 1.Remember the following words and word combinations: voyage quay to moor gangway deck to sail at a high speed rough pitch roll aft

1.Remember the following words and word combinations:

voyage quay to moor gangway deck to sail at a high speed rough pitch roll aft forward to breathe harbour to be/get sea-sick to splash sea gull to go ashore морська подорож причал пришвартовуватися трап палуба пливти на великій швидкості грубий, неспокійний кільова хитавиця бортова хитавиця в кормовій частині судна в носовій частині судна дихати порт, гавань страждати “морською хворобою” плескатися, хлюпатися морська чайка сходити на берег

2.Read and translate paying attention to the active words and word combinations.


If you are on holiday and spend it by a sea, it’s a pleasure for you to go on a voyage. All you have to do is to book the tickets in advance. Of course, you want a separate cabin for your family, and you ask for a first class cabin with three berths to be reserved for your family. On the day of your departure all your family come to the quay because the ship you want to take is moored there. The passengers go up the gangway onto the deck; they try to find their cabins. Some cabins are aft, some are forward or amidship. After finding your cabin you are happy to settle down in it. But if you want to breathe the sea air and look at the busy traffic of the harbour, you may come out on deck. Soon the steamer leaves the port and goes out towards the open sea. It sails at a high speed, and if the sea is rough, the ship pitches and rolls. There is one thing you’ve got to bear in mind when you are on board the ship. Some people can’t stand travelling by sea because they get sea-sick. And if you have no problems with your health, you will enjoy travelling. You feel the deck of your steamer under your feet; you see the waves rising and falling; you feel fresh sea water drops flying and splashing in your face; you hear sea gulls crying out their song of joy and freedom. Thus if you are a romantic soul by nature you are sure to like it.

Very soon the shore fades from view. In some time the passengers are invited to dine in the restaurant. You enjoy your meals and a splendid view of the open sea.

By the evening the sea grows calmer and you enjoy looking at the beautiful sunset at sea. It is really worth seeing.

But in some time your ship reaches the place of destination and you are sorry to go ashore. You feel healthy and refreshed; the voyage was very useful and pleasant.

Finally, in a few weeks’ time you get tired of relaxation and become home-sick. It is not for nothing that they say “East or West – home is best”.

3.Answer the questions.

1.Is it a pleasure to go on a voyage?

2.Where do you come on the day of your departure?

3.Where are cabins situated?

4.What should be remembered when you are on board the ship?

5.Where can you dine?

4.Find the English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and word combinations.

Відправитися у морську подорож; замовити квитки заздалегідь; окрема каюта; пришвартований до причалу; не витримувати подорожі морем; насолоджуватися подорожжю; відчувати палубу у себе під ногами; чути як співають чайки; романтична натура; зникнути з поля зору; варто побачити; досягти місця призначення; відпочинок; сумувати за домівкою.

5.Match the words with their definitions.

voyage cabin berth harbour gang-way deck sleeping-place in a train, ship, etc. any of the floors of a ship movable bridge from ship’s side to the land room in a ship for sleeping in journey by water, especially a long one in a ship place of shelter for ships

6.Fill in the gaps with a suitable word.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 440 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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