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II. The Formation of Perfect Tenses

The Perfect Tenses are formed by means of the auxiliary verb to have in the Present, Past or Future Indefinite Tense and Participle II of the main verb.

Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect
just, yet, already, ever, never, lately, recently, today, this week (month…) 1) by …o’clock, by the summer, by that time … 2) after …, … before…, …when …
Shave / has Ved(3) Shad Ved(3) S shall/will have Ved(3)
He has already come. Hehad finishedit by three. Nickwill have finishedthis work before you leave.  
S haven’t/hasn’t Ved(3) S hadn’t Ved(3) Sshan’t / won’t have Ved(3)
They haven’t done it yet. We hadn’t cleaned the room before Daddy came. I’m sure John won’t have writtenthe report by the end of the week.
Have/HasS Ved(3)…? Had S Ved(3)…? Shall/WillShave Ved(3) …?
Have you seen him? Hadshe leftwhen you came? WillNick have finishedthis work before you leave?


1.Translate into Ukrainian.

1.I have never heard about this story from my father. 2.My mother hasn’t come home yet. 3.It is cold today. The weather hasn’t changed since yesterday. 4.Have you turned off the gas? 5.We had already built this plant by the end of 1997. 6.I had already written my exercise by half past six. 7.They had returned home before I rang them up. 8. We had finished all preparations by the time the guests came. 9.She will have left the house before you return. 10.She will have forgotten all about him by the time he returns. 11. He will have passed his exams only by the end of this week. 12. I won’t have translated his article before he comes back.

2.Make the following interrogative and negative.

1.Mary has switched on the light. 2.My relatives have received the parcel. 3.We’ve already seen your pastures, fields and hot-houses. 4.The students had translated the text before the bell rang. 5.The farmers had done all the work in the fields before the first frost. 6.We had reached the village before the sunset. 7.They will have built the new barn by the beginning of winter. 8.I shall have passed all my exams by next Monday. 9.They will have built the new school by the first of September. 10.They will have finished making hay before it starts raining.

3.Complete these sentences using the verbs in brackets. You went back to your home town after many years and you found that many things were different.

M O D E L: Most of my friends were no longer there. They had left (leave).

1.My best friend, Kevin, was no longer there. He ______ (go away).

2.The local cinema was no longer open. It ______ (close down).

3.Mr Johnson was no longer alive. He _____ (die).

4.I didn’t recognise Mrs Johnson. She _____ (change) a lot.

5.Bill no longer had his car. He ______ (sell) it.

6.Our neighbours next door didn’t live in their house any longer. They ______ (move).

4.Put the verb into the correct form, Past Perfect or Past Simple.

M O D E L: “Was Tom there when you arrived?” “No, he had gone (go) home”.

“Was Tom there when you arrived?”

“Yes, but he went (go) home soon afterwards.

1.The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody ______ (go) to bed.

2.I felt very tired when I got home, so I ______ (go) straight to bed.

3.Sorry, I’m late. The car ______ (break) down on my way here.

4.There was a car by the side of the road. It _______ (break) down and the driver was trying to repair it. So we _____ (stop) to see if we could help.

5.Complete the following sentences, using

a)the Past Perfect Tense

1.He told her that he (buy a TV set the year before). 2.The man at the station said that the train (leave already). 3.Mary told me that she (not get a letter from her son yet). She said that she (not hear from him for some weeks). 4.He understood that he (get off at the wrong station). 5.I saw that the child (catch a cold). 6.We were sure that she (tell the truth).

b)the Future Perfect Tense

1.By the time he arrives they (leave). 2.She is ill now. By the first of April she (be in hospital for three weeks). 3.He has bought this TV set on credit. He (pay all the money by the 21st of August). 4.How long has she stayed with your family? - By the end of the month she (go). 5.He is still a schoolboy, but by this time next year he (leave school).

6.Open the brackets to make the sentences complete (Present Perfect or Past Perfect).

1.a)I phoned Mr Williams to find out if Pat (go) away. He was not sure. b) Wait, I’ll go and see if she (go) out. 2.a) Look at this house. I (live) here for 12 years and I’m moving to another one next week. b) I (live) in a small cottage for 12 years before my family moved to town. 3.a) Jack (play) tennis three times this week. b)He said he (not, play) tennis a week before. 4.Alan (see) Alexandra a lot recently. 5.I often (wonder) how he earns his living. 6.She told me she (work) in England before. 7.When I arrived at the country house I realised I (lose) the keys. 8.”John (telephone) yet?” she asked entering the house, but her brother said he didn’t know if John (telephone).

7.Make one sentence instead of two using when or after.

1.Joe did all the shopping. Then he went to the cafe for a cup of coffee. 2.Max looked through three dictionaries he had. Then he found the word he was looking for. 3.Ron wrote three letters. Then he posted them. 4.Jane told her granny about everything. Then she felt much happier. 5.Bill finished learning the sonnet by heart. Then he watched television for an hour or so. 6.Edward bought Christmas presents for everyone in his family. Then he bought a camera for himself as well.

8.Translate into English.

1.Я залишив свій зошит вдома. 2.Де Петро? – Він ще не прийшов. 3.Що ти робиш? - Читаю англійське оповідання. – Скільки сторінок ти вже прочитав? – Я вже прочитав десять сторінок. 4.Я щойно бачила великі площі під люцерною та конюшиною. 5.Ми читали книжку, яку я купив у Києві. 6.Студенти переклали текст до десятої години. 7.Вчора Ганна прийшла додому о п’ятій годині. Її молодший брат виконував домашні завдання, а батько й мати ще не повернулися з роботи. 8.Його батько почав працювати на заводі, коли йому було двадцять років. До того він жив у селі. 9.Коли я повернувся додому, моя родина вже повечеряла. 10.Вона була впевнена, що бачила цю жінку раніше, але не могла пригадати, де вона її бачила. 11.Коли я повернуся додому з роботи, фільм вже почнеться. 12.Коли ми повернемося з театру, діти вже спатимуть. 13.Я вважаю, що я закінчу читати цю книжку до кінця тижня. 14.Робітники будуть обговорювати це питання на зборах завтра. Я думаю, що вони його обговорять до кінця робочого дня.


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