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What Peter Did Yesterday

In the morning Peter woke up at about seven. He jumped out of bed and went to wake up his brother Billy. Billy was still asleep. So Peter splashed cold water on him. Then he jumped out of bed and chased Peter round the room.

Father woke up and heard them and called them: "Stop that noise, both of you!" so Peter and Billy stopped the noise and Peter went to the bathroom for his bath.

Soon mother got up and went downstairs. Then peter went back to his bedroom. There he put his clothes on, combed his hair, took a clean handkerchief and went downstairs.

Mother, Father and Billy were all sitting at the table, so Peter said "Good morning!" to them and they began breakfast. They had porridge with sugar and cream first. After porridge they had bacon and eggs, toast and tea with milk.

Peter helped mother to clear breakfast away.

Then Peter got ready for the institute and Billy - for school. Peter went by bus and Billy went on foot.

Peter came back home about four. He washed and changed. Then he helped mother about the house. Father returned home soon after six. Everybody was glad to see him again and talk to him. They had dinner and after that Peter did his homework. In the evening he didn't go to the theatre or to the pictures, he stayed at home and watched TV.

1. When did Peter wake up yesterday?

2. What did he do when he woke up?

3. Why did Peter splash water on his brother?

4. Why did Father ask the boys to stop making that noise?

5. What did Mother do when she got up?

6. What did the family start breakfast with?

7. Who cleared breakfast away?

8. How did the boys get to their places of studies?

9. When did Peter come back home?

Study the speech patterns.

1. I was sure to be put down in class next to the girl., and she would whisper and giggle.

The children always came to see their grandmother on Sundays, and she would give them delicious pastries.

When asked this question, he would smile and say noth­ing.

When people met him in the street they would turn away and pretend not to know him.

2. Judy said she didn't know that people used to be monkeys.

a) They used to be great friends.

There used to be a telephone-booth round the corner. I used to know him. Used you to know him?

b) He used to travel by plane. Use(d)n't he? or Didn't he? (colloq.)

He used to work late at night.

Did he use to work late at night? (colloq.)

Judy's fellow-students used to laugh at her ignorance.

3. I'm not used to receiving presents.

She was not used to being treated unkindly. It is too bad when a college student is not used to read­ing books.

The mother was used to doing all the work about the house alone.

Our students are used to working with a cassette-recorder.

4. I t was Judy who had to read plain books.

It was shame, not fear, that made her cry.

It was the last course that tasted especially good.

It was the mother who decorated the house and prepared everything for the celebration.

It was my sisters who cooked all the dishes.

EXERCISES I. Paraphrase the following using Patterns 1-3:

Pattern 1: l. By the end of the working-day he usually waited for her at the factory-gate and they went home togeth­er. 2. The spring days were warm and sunny, and the children spent much time out-of-doors. 3. When they sometimes asked him about his college days, he always answered that he had greatly enjoyed going to college. 4. The mother never com­plained; usually she only sighed and went on with her work. 5. Her husband often came back home tired and angry; at ta­ble he again and again found fault with the cooking. 6. When we told the mother how good everything tasted, she always said "Hunger is the best sauce."

Pattern 2: 1. He was in the habit of saying that there is no game like football. 2. She always left the dishes un-washed in the kitchen sink and went away. 3. When he was a student he went to the library every other day. 4. My mother always made a splendid chocolate tart for my birth­day. 5. When I was a child, our family always went to the seaside for summer holidays. 6. When he was younger, he was a pretty good dancer.

Pattern 3: 1. It's something new for me to be treated in this way. 2. Being made fun of was something quite unusual for her. 3. It was not the first time that the doctor was to treat this horrible disease. 4. I always work by such light, it is normal for me. 5. The child was never refused anything and considered it a normal state of things.

II. Make the following sentences emphatic using Pattern 4 as in the example:

Example: My friend told me everything about it.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-19; Прочитано: 789 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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