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Laying the table

People can't do without food. It is of course very important what to eat and what to drink. But nevertheless we should pay attention to the way we eat. A nicely laid table makes special atmosphere and wakes appetite.

How we are laying the table depends on the kind and aim of meal and dishes which are ordered. For example, if it is New Year party we can decorate the table with fir-tree branches and candles. And tor the birthday party we use a lot of flowers.

Now I'll say a few words about laying the table. At first we spread the cloth on the table. Then we put a dinner plate in 2 cm from the table side. On it we put a napkin. To the right of the plate we put a table knife and to the left - a table fork. If there is a snack, there will be a snack cover in the same order. There also can be a fish cover for fish courses. To the left of the dinner plate we put a bread plate. There are different types of glasses for different drinks - lemonade and beer glasses, wine glasses, goblets, wine glasses for red wine.

Now we can put a vase with flowers in the middle of the table and near it a cruet-set (salt-cellar, pepper-box and mustard pot). Sometimes we can also put an ash-tray on the table.

This is a general laying. For dinner we put a spoon to the right of the knife. If there is a dessert we put dessert cover in front of the dinner plate.

There are some more rules we should follow while laying the table. A table cloth and dishes should be of one style.

In conclusion I say one more time that nice laying of the table is the first step to good appetite and one more chance to get pleasure from the meal.


Дата публикования: 2014-11-19; Прочитано: 1143 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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