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Katherine Nnelson. Event Knowledge Structure and Function in Development, 1986, p. 2

Ibid, p. 6.

Ibid, p. 45.

Elizabeth A. Slackman, Judith A. Hudson, Robyn Fivush. Actions, Actors, Links, and Goals: The Structure of Children’s Event Representation. In: Katherine Nelson (ed.). Event Knowledge Structure and Function in Development. Hillsdale, New Jersey – L.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 1986, р. 47.

Ibid, pр. 57 - 59.

K. Nelson. Children’s Scripts. In: Katherine Nelson. Event Knowledge Structure and Function in Development. Hillsdale, New Jersey – L.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 1986, рр. 44 - 45.

Elizabeth A. Slackman, Judith A. Hudson, Robyn Fivush. Actions, Actors, Links, and Goals, р. 47.

Ibid., p. 56.

Ibid., p. 58.

Ibid., рp. 61 - 62.

Ibid., рp. 64 - 65.

Ibid., p. 69.

Robyn Fivush, Elizabeth Slackman. The Acquisition and Development of Scripts. In: Katherine Nelson. Event Knowledge Structure and Function in Development. Hillsdale, New Jersey – L.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 1986, рр. 72 - 73.

M.Cole. Cultural Psychology. Cambridge, Mass., L. (England): The Belknap Preee of Harvard University, 1996, р. 134.

Nelson, K. Cognition in a Script Frammework. In: J.H. Flavell and L. Ross (eds.) Social Cognitive Development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981, р.101.

Ibid., p. 110.

Miller P.H. Theory of Developmental Psychology. NY; Freeman, 1993, p. 421.

М. Коул. Культурно-историческая психология, сс. 208 - 211.

М. Коул. Культурно-историческая психология, сс. 211 - 224.

Там жерp. 74 - 75.

Katherine Nelson. Event Knowledge and Cognitive Development, рр. 231 - 232.

Miller Joan G. Cultural Psychology: Briding Diciplinary Boundaries in Understanding the Cultural Grounding of Self. In: Handbook of Psychological Anthropology. Philip K. Bock (ed.) Westport, Connecticut-London; Greenwood Press, 1994, pp. 154 - 155.

Маргарет Доналдсон. Мыслительная деятельность детей. Москва: "Педагогика", 1985, сс. 43 - 44.

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