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TEXT № 3. Creativity and innovation: key drivers for success

Creativity and innovation: key drivers for success

For many years, technology has supplanted people in the performance of many routine jobs and has increasingly assumed prominence in more sophisticated processes. The universal availability of inexpensive technology has created a highly competitive global marketplace and fueled the growth of robust, knowledge-based economies in developing countries, with India and China as the prime examples. Developed countries such as the United States can no longer claim a competitive advantage based on exclusive access to advanced technology and a well-trained workforce.

As the global playing field becomes increasingly level, many business forecasters are predicting that workforce creativity and innovation will be the most important factors in establishing and maintaining a competitive advantage. Logic, linear thinking and rule-based analysis-functions located in the left side of the human brain-will remain important, but are no longer sufficient to succeed in the global economy. Many experts, such as author Daniel Pink (a keynote speaker at the Society for Human Resource Management's 2007 Annual Conference and Exposition), believe that, to succeed, organizations must place greater emphasis on right-brain functions: artistic, big-picture thinking and the ability to put things in context.

These concepts create a fundamental challenge for HR professionals. The recruiting and retention of highly talented workers has long been a cornerstone of strategic human capital management. However, some leaders in the study of creativity are challenging the assumption that individual creativity is solely a question of talent and are looking at how the environment influences creative outputs.

by Susan MeisingerHR Magazine / May, 2007


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