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Open the brackets using the gerund of the given verb


1. The matter is not worth (to speak of). 2. On (to introduce) they easily fell to (to talk). 3. Why do you avoid (to see) me? He tried to avoid (to see). 4. We insist on (to send) him there at once. He insists on (to send) there instead of me. 5. Do you mind (to examine) the first? 6. He showed no sign of (to know) them. She showed no sign of (to impress). 7. I was annoyed at (to interrupt) every other moment. 8. In (to discuss) the problem they touched upon some very interesting items. 9. The equipment must go through a number of tests before (to install). 10. He hated (to remind) people of their duties or (to remind) of his. 11. The operator can set the machine in motion by (to push) the button or (to press) the pedal. 12. The water requires (to filter).


1. Excuse me for (to give) you so much trouble. 2. You never mentioned (to speak) to them on the subject. 3. He was proud of (to award) the prize. 4. I don't remember ever (to see) you. 5. I don't remember (to ask) this question. 6. The boys were punished for (to break) the window. 7. The boy was afraid of (to punish) and hid himself. 8. He was quite serious in (to say) that he was leaving the place for good. 9. She seemed sorry for (to be) rude to me. 10. He confessed (to forget) that he was to come on Friday. 11. The old man could not stand (to make) fun of. 12. Letters were no use: he had no talent for (to express) himself on paper. 13. After (to examine) thoroughly by the doctor, the young man was admitted to the sports club. 14. Soon she could not help (to attract) by the fact that she was being looked at. 15. The camera wanted (to adjust). 16. They accused me of (to mislead) them. 17. She was so eagerly looking forward to (to give) the leading part to play that she was greatly disappointed at not even (to offer) it.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1318 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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