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Translate the sentences, paying special attention to the use of the Complex Object

1. Seeing her enter the room he rose to greet her. 2. Did you feel the bridge shake? 3. I don't like you to say such things. 4. Put on a thicker coat, I don't want you to catch cold. 5. We knew hir to be very brave. 6. Nobody said anything, we just watched him put it away in his case. 7. You could have heard a pin drop. 8. She wouldn't explain, just urged me to use my own eyes. 9. Well, tell him to see us tomorrow morning, will you? 10. After lunch he begged me to accompany him home. 11. By the way, did she ask you to sign any papers yesterday? 12. Her visit agitated the patient so much that the doctor advised her not to come again. 13. There is no harm, I think, in letting you know. 14. I understood you to say that you had received no letter from your brother since he left England.

32. Fill in the blanks with the particle "to" where necessary

1. This is the place from which I saw John... arrive to the house. 2. I tried to induce him... see a doctor. 3. The family suspected it and wanted to get him... see a lawyer. 4. He asked her... destroy his letters. 5. I told her... bring in the tea. 6. Women always want you... write them letters. 7. I'd love you... see my little daughter. 8. You can't make me... say what you want me... say. 9. She begged me to let her... know when Mother would be back. 10. I had expected him... be disappointed. 11. Don't let it... trouble you. 12. She watched me... open the safe.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 991 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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