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Предложения переведите, обращая внимание на герундий. They continued testing until the sample was destroyed

They continued testing until the sample was destroyed.

Various methods of cooling transformers are used in practice.

I know of her having studied English some time ago.

His main occupation was studying properties of some conductors.

Connecting the motors constantly in parallel has some advantages.

The engineer insists on those devices being a new step in the development of technique.

This phenomenon results in decreasing voltage.

The constructor informed us of establishing a new record of nonstop flight.

His having answered so well surprised everybody.

I remember having made that experiment last week.

On receiving successful results he carried out various experiments of this kind.

Carrying out this test successfully was helped by the careful investigations of outstanding scientists.

On being heated to a high temperature any body becomes a source of light.

We know of copper having been used as a conductor owing to its characteristics.

He preferred playing basketball.

We know of aluminium being used in many industries.

Sechenov’s having published his "Notes on Man’s Motions at Work" in 1901 opened up a new branch of science.

There were other ways of applying high voltages.

The possibility of chemical energy being transformed into electric energy is evident.

They began observing the process of welding.

I know of my friend's reading English books on space flights.

Mary Curie's having discovered radium enabled her to isolate other radioactive elements.

Plants are useful sources of energy thanks to their storing the sun's radiation in chemical form.

Without knowing chemistry it is difficult to make clear distinctions between chemical and physical properties.

In spite of everybody's being tired it was decided to finish the work.

There is a hope of our getting a complete analysis of the measurements during 10 days.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 701 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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