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Информация II. Причастие I – левое определение стоит слева от существительного между артиклем, местоимением или другим определителем существительного и самим

Причастие I – левое определение стоит слева от существительного между артиклем, местоимением или другим определителем существительного и самим существительным.

the moving body – движущееся тело

all moving bodies – все движущиеся тела

1. Переведите причастие I – левое определение. Назовите определители существительного

Working machines, a working machine, the working machine, this working machine, these working machines, some working machines, some working machine, any working machine, the same working machine, the only working machine.

2. Прочтите предложения, укажите в них причастие – левое определение, назовите его признаки

a) Many flying balloons (шары) were seen in the sky.

b) Only some playing children were seen in the garden.

c) Moving parts of a machine tool are dangerous.

d) The operating model of a new machine tool was demonstrated at the exhibition.

e) Our industry produces the increasing quantities of articles made of polymers.

f) Burning wood is very dangerous.

3. Назовите номера предложений, в которых есть причастие – левое определение

a) The building of the house required two years.

b) A great number of parts were received from the oscillating conveyer.

c) There are few papers dealing with this subject.

d) The object of heating and ventilating a building is to provide good living


e) This description appeared to be similar to that found in my book.

f) These are some compounds having different structures.

g) We examined a single solid bar with some resulting disturbances after impact.

h) He succeeded in defining the speed of these revolving parts.

i) The radiations coming from the atomic fuel are dangerous to human life.

j) A vibrating source of sound emits waves.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 415 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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