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Listening comprehension. 5. 1 you will hear part of a lecture

5.1 You will hear part of a lecture. For statements 1- 10, complete the notes, which summarize what the speaker says. You will need to write a word or short phrase in each box.

1. The formation of metamorphic rocks depends on parent rock, passing fluids, _____________ and ____________.

2. There are two main agents of change: _______________ and _________.

3. Thermal metamorphism forms _____________________.

4. Higher pressure and heat produce_________________________.

5. Foliation means that minerals are flattened and ________________.

6. Minerals that indicate the rock’s metamorphic grade are called ________.

7. In comparison to sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks are ________________. Clay-rich rocks change more significantly than ________________.

8. Metamorphic rocks are subdivided into types, according to ___________.

9. There are the following types of metamorphic rocks:_________, ______________, ______________, etc.

5.2 You will hear a conversation between a student and a teacher in Geology at Aberdeen University. For statements 1-10, choose the best answer A, B, or C.

1. What are metamorphic rocks?

A. altered igneous and sedimentary rocks

B. changed sedimentary rocks

C. pressed igneous and sedimentary rocks

2. What are the main factors in metamorphism?

A. pressure and climate

B. temperature and pressure

C. heat and agents

3. According to the talk, how many forms of metamorphism exist in nature?




4. Which of the following is the most significant type of metamorphism?

A. regional and impact

B. dynamic and contact

C. contact and regional

5.Where does thermal metamorphism take place?

A. mass of magma intrudes and bakes country rock

B. mass of magma erodes and changes country rock

C. mass of magma extends and bakes country rock

6. What term is used to define «surrounding older rock»?

A. country rock

B. altered rock

C. contact rock

7.What is the definition for the following term «bake»?

A. try under certain conditions

B. harden under certain conditions

C. change under certain conditions

8.Where does regional metamorphism occur?

A. in subducting continental plates

B. in colliding continental plates

C. in eroding mountain ranges

9.Which of the following types of metamorphism covers the largest area?

A. contact

B. regional

C. burial

10.What do you think would be the topic of the next lecture?

A. classification of contact and regional metamorphism

B. conditions of the formation of metamorphic rocks

C. major types of metamorphic rocks



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