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Round-formed opening

2. upside-down

3. to let out

4. non-active

5. reservoir

6. to be under pressure

7. to be above

8. to decrease (to become less in volume)

9. to explode

10. the form of a hill

2.2 Use two words from the corresponding line to complete each sentence.

1. emit magma bubbles products

2. tower ash mountain lava

3. linear cone chamber inverted

4. circular active extinct crack

5. fissures balloon conduit weakness

1. The volcano ___________ ____________such as ash and cinder.

2. The _________ ____________over the island.

3. The top of a volcano is like a ___________ ___________.

4. Volcanoes can be __________ or ___________.

5. __________ form as a result of the Earth’s _____________.

2.3. Give the Russian equivalent the following phrases:

1. volcanoes emit basic lava

2. typical volcano shape

3. volcanoes can grow high

4. above sea level

5. a cross section through a volcano

6. miles below the surface

7. gas-rich molten rocks

8. surrounding solid rocks

9. escape through a weakness in the crust

10. force of gases blast open

11. vent explosions shape its top

12. on the flanks

2.4 Match the words in the right column with the words in the left one.

pressurized volcano

single section

shield-shaped gases

extinct vent

western bubbles

cross crater

dissolved cone

circular conduit

expanding magma

inverted hole

subsidiary mound

central hemisphere

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 781 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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