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Form nouns from the following verbs and find the sentences in the text with these new words

-ion, -ation, -tion, -sion, -ssion суффиксы абстрактных существительных

e.g. to form (образовывать) – formation (образование)

to oxide to crystallize
to ferment to preserve
to decompose to evolve
to reduce to petrify
to impregnate to imply

2.6 Put a preposition in each of the numbered spaces:

1. Fossils referred ____ anything dug out of the ground.

2. The slow process of oxidation takes place ____ the presence of oxygen.

3. Decaying organisms are sometimes preserved ____ sediments.

4. An increase ____ pressure causes the sediments to become compacted and lithified.

5. Fossils are restricted ____ sedimentary environment.

6. Carbonization plays a special role ____ the preservation of plant fossils.

2.7 What are the corresponding words?

1. to show 6. without something
2. to oppose 7. to rise
3. to change 8. to fall into small parts
4. to keep in a good state 9. to change from one form to another
5. ultimate 10. continental

2.8 Choose between the alternatives to complete these sentences:

The word fossil carries a distinct/distinctly derogatory implication.

The hard parts of organisms resist decomposition more effective/effectively than the soft parts.

Clear/clearly fossils are only preserved under favorable circumstances.

Terrestrial animals decompose quick/quickly after death.

Past events are recorded cryptical/cryptically in sedimentary rocks.

Read the text. Use the words in the boxes to the right of the text to form one word that fits in the same numbered space in the text. Write the word in the space. The exercise begins with an example.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 1047 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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