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The Age of Advertising

We live in the age of advertising. In most countries the public is exposed daily to advertisement. From the minute they wake up people are influenced by publicity – in newspapers, on the train, on boards on the way to work. When they relax after work they watch television, or perhaps go to a football match where there are advertisements, or a cricket or tennis match which are organised by a large company.

The housewife is perhaps the most influenced by advertising. While she is shopping she will be attached by colourful packets and by signs of reductions and free gifts.

Most companies say that advertising is necessary to give the public information and create competition. But advertising, which is very expensive, doesn’t always inform. Instead it persuades. A man is
persuaded that if he buys “Koolman” after-shave lotion he will
immediately become attractive to all the pretty girls. In the same way a mother is persuaded that if she doesn’t give her baby “Happibaby” food the baby will suffer. Recently a new angle has been added –
science. In our technological age science is fashionable and many companies try to make us buy their goods by telling us how important science is in their production.

In general, housewives will not understand much about science, but they feel that scientists know best. Scientists are looked upon
as magicians, who can perform tricks. For example, before colour television was introduced the white clothes which were being shown in washing powder advertisements were in fact bright yellow. Yellow looks whiter than white on black and white television. Let’s hope that scientists will concentrate on improving the products they help to advertise, rather than improving the advertisements.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 624 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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