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Alternative Happy Tips

Whatever it is, if you really want to eat it, eat it!

Never piss off anyone who has access to you when you are asleep.

Never argue with a pregnant woman

(Источник: http://www.spring.org.uk/2007/12/


3. Read the text again and complete the chart below:

Happiness is… all about everyday normal activities.
The most frequently reported method of increasing happiness…  
'Acting happy' and 'smiling'…  
A relatively popular strategy for increasing happiness…  
Passive leisure like…  
Active leisure pursuits…  
A relatively unpopular strategy for increasing happiness…  
Happiness-enhancing activity…  
The second bad boy…  
Ways to happiness…  
Alternative happy tips…  

Essential Vocabulary

cause послужить причиной, поводом (для чего-л.); мотивировать (что-л.)
study изучение, исследование
hang around бродить вокруг; околачиваться, шляться, слоняться
cautious осторожный, осмотрительный; предусмотрительный
long-term долгосрочный; длительный, долговременный
goal цель, задача
achievement достижение, успех
leisure досуг, свободное время
pursuits занятие
benefit выгода; польза; прибыль; преимущество
activity деятельность; мероприятие
well-established хорошо обоснованный; твёрдо установившийся
connectedness связность, логичность, связанность
contemplate обозревать, созерцать; пристально разглядывать; обдумывать, продумывать, размышлять
research (научное) исследование; изучение; изыскание;
stand out выделяться, выступать; отходить в сторону
waste терять даром, тратить впустую
wisdom мудрость; здравый смысл, разумность, благоразумие
courage бесстрашие, мужество, отвага, смелость, храбрость
tough-minded реалистичный; лишенный сентиментальности
appreciate оценивать, (высоко) ценить; быть признательным
brighten наполнять радостью, радовать; радоваться
promote продвигать, повышать; способствовать, содействовать; поддерживать, поощрять
havoc опустошение; разорение, разрушение
backstab поступить по отношению к кому-л. предательски, вероломно
piss off проваливать; раздражать, доставать

4. Use dictionaries to study the meaning of the following vocabulary items:

activity, research, study.

1. Write out common collocations with them.

2. Find derivatives formed from these vocabulary items.

5. Match the words with their definitions. There are two extra definitions:

1. stand out a. to think very carefully about something for a long time
2. piss off b. something that you hope to achieve
3. cause c. an advantage you get from a situation
4. contemplate d. to proceed to somebody treacherously
5. goal e. to be easy to see or notice because of being different
6. well-established f. to spend time in a place waiting or doing nothing
7. benefit g. to be a reason for making something happen
8. leisure h. continuing to exist, be relevant, or have an effect for a long time in the future
9. backstab i. to fail to make effective use of something that is valuable and could help you
10. waste j. the ability to make good decisions based on knowledge and experience
11. hang around k. the process of learning about a problem or subject using scientific methods
12. long-term l. to annoy someone very much
  m. having existed for a long time, and having been successful or accepted for a long time
  n. activities that you do to relax or enjoy yourself

6. Fill in the blanks with words from the word-box. There is one extra vocabulary item:

tough-minded pursuits connectedness
havoc wisdom long-term

1. I have seen great and wondrous things and learned much _________.

2. Einstein believed in, and strove to make explicit, the fundamental _____________ and unity in the universe.

3. Mikhail said nothing, simply watching the _________Gregory was creating.

4. Breed was a sleek and vulgar, a smart and ____________ man.

5. Griffith has been but a sorry representative of our trade, if he has left such an opinion of its ___________.

7. Supply the necessary derivative/compound related to the italicized word the complete each sentence.

promote The chances of me getting a __________ are virtually nil.
courage The _________ band of warriors serried together.
achievement There are many who will work hard to __________ these goals.
appreciate Her help has made _____________ difference.
cautious Foreign bankers are ___________ optimistic about the country's economic future.
brighten I'm sure there is a very _________ future for you in this company.

8. Paraphrase the following sentences using your active vocabulary:

1. Neck ache, headaches and breathing problems can be because of poor posture.

2. The beautiful statue which they were looking belonged to their host.

3. That was a good aim; the target has been blown to pieces.

4. Well, anyway, I know that he is a blackguard, a scoundrel, an egoist, a sluggard and likes lounging about without doing anything!

5. Bacon could not estimate Shakespeare.

6. We are willing to assist everyone who is working towards restoring normal life in this area.

7. But the malady of play has been the ruin of us all.

8. He had betrayed this man and he couldn’t consign him to the grave without accepting responsibility for what he’d done.

9. I was furious because I could have anything that I wanted except what I wanted most - my memories.

10. Children draw what they like doing in their spare time.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1079 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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