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Study the names of some shops, learn them and put down what is sold in each

chemist (UK) / drugstore (US) / pharmacy (US) _________________________________

newsagent’s _____________________________________________________________

stationer’s _______________________________________________________________


hardware shop / hardware store / ironmonger’s __________________________________

corner shop (UK) _________________________________________________________

delicatessen (deli) _________________________________________________________

bookshop / bookstore______________________________________________________

petshop _______________________________________________________________

teashop _______________________________________________________________

off-licence ______________________________________________________________

confectioner’s ____________________________________________________________

florist’s _________________________________________________________________

antique shop _____________________________________________________________

tobacconist’s ____________________________________________________________

second hand shop _________________________________________________________

household goods _________________________________________________________

6. Write where you would go if you want to buy:

1) a nice piece of cod ___________________________________________________

2) a box of soft-centered chocolates _______________________________________

3) pink carnations ______________________________________________________

4) cauliflower or some broccoli ___________________________________________

5) a three-piece suit ____________________________________________________

6) half a dozen whole meal rolls ___________________________________________

7) pipe tobacco ________________________________________________________

8) a couple of pork chops ________________________________________________

9) a goldfish and tame mice______________________________________________

10) a seventeenth century grandfather clock __________________________________

*9. Put the adjectives in the right order.

Remember that the usual order is:

Opinion – Value- Size – Age – Shape – Colour – Origin – Material – Temperature

1) velvet, small, square – jewellery box

2) high-heeled, black – pumps

3) Italian, beautiful, green – scarf

4) red, old, woolen – sweater

5) tweed, single-breasted, olive – skirt set

6) summer, full, cotton, plain – dress

7) denim, flared – trousers

8) sport, fleece, two-piece – suit

9) V-neck, silk, long-sleeved – blouse

10) leather, multicoloured, flat - sandals

*10. Match the names of clothes with their descriptions and name the nationality of people who usually wear them.

Example: An Aran sweater is an Irish jumper with a complex pattern.

Article of Clothing Nationality Description
Sombrero Turkish Hat with a very wide brim used for protection from the hot sun
Espadrilles German Red felt hat with a flat top and no brim
Kimono Native American Garment of a very long cloth wrapped gracefully round the body
Kilt Japanese Coat of a coarse woolen material with toggle fastenings
Fez British Woollen cap with a pompon in the centre
Sari Scottish Leather knee-length breeches
Tam O’Shanter Mexican Light casual sandals made of cloth with a sole made of rope
Lederhosen Scottish Straight-lined ankle-length robe secured by a belt tied at the back
Duffle coat Indian Shoes made of deerskin or other soft leather
Moccasins Spanish Highland male garment fully round the body

1. Write what kind of clothes you would wear if you went to:

1) work ______________________________________________________________

2) an open-air rock concert _______________________________________________

3) a informal garden party ________________________________________________

4) a nightclub __________________________________________________________

5) a barbecue __________________________________________________________

6) a job interview _______________________________________________________

7) a holiday in the mountains _____________________________________________

8) a wedding __________________________________________________________

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 474 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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