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Ex. 1. Write your profile. Underline the suitable words and fill in the gaps to make sentences about yourself. If necessary make some sentences negative

Let me introduce myself. My full name is …. I am a distant student. I study at BNTU. I am a first/second year student of International Institute of Distant Education.

I was born in … in 19... Now I live and work in … but study in Minsk. I am married/single but/and I don’t have/have children. I work as a … for a small/big …. I work in a modern well-equipped office. I’ m/am not very busy during my working day. I work/don’t work at the computer a lot. I write emails to our customers, type documents, answer phone calls, meet our clients and help my boss with documents.

I hope to become a manager/an economist in 3 years. I study a lot because I want to be a qualified specialist. I read a lot. As I am a distant student I also send emails to my teachers if I have questions. It’s very convenient. I have classes four times a year. Twice a year at the end of the term I take exams and get credits. It is quite difficult but very interesting to study at university.

Ex. 2 Read the dialogue in pairs. Role-play your own dialogue.

- Hello. Can you introduce yourself?

- Yes, sure. My name’s Alexander.

- Would you tell me your full name, please?

- Alexander is my first name and my surname is Kravtsov.

- And what’s your middle name?

- It’s Ivanovich. So my full name is Kravtsov Alexander Ivanovich.

- Are you single or married?

- I’m married and I have two children.

- So, you have a family. But as far as I know you are a student.

- Yes, I am.

- Are you a full-time student or a correspondence student?

- I’m a distant student. And I study in Minsk.

- What’s your job?

- I work as a manager. I’m a sales manager.

- What company do you work for?

- I work for a large trade company in Grodno.

- Is it possible to work and study simultaneously?

- Yes. You know it’s a great advantage to be a distant student.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 732 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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