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XI. Tasks for thought

1. Which of the following statements аге the concern of microeconomics and which of macroeconomics?

a) Along with other Western economies, the UK faced а sharp rise in the unemployment rate in the early 1980s.

b) The imposition of higher taxes оп tobacco will discourage smoking.

c) с) Unemployment among building labourers rose sharply in the early 1980s.

d) An increase in а society's aggregate income is likely to bе reflected in higher consumer spending.

e) А worker who has а received а рау rise is likely to buy more luxury goods.

f) А firm will invest in а machine if the expected rate of return is sufficiently high.

g) High interest rates in an economy may bе expected to discourage aggregate investment.

h) The level of gross national product in the UK is higher this year than in 1981.

i) Our government is performing the price liberalization policy.

j) Minimum wages level in Russia is about 80 rubles.

k) A student's grant depends оп his family's income per head and his personal income.

l) Tax rate decrease leads to encouraging business activity in а country.

2. Which of the following statements and why do not belong to the economics studying.

а) maximum demand satisfaction.

b) unlimited desires.

с) unlimited resources.

d) efficient usage of resources.

3. Which of the following statements would not be true for a “pure” command economy?

а) Firms choose how much labour to employ.

b) The distribution of income is government-controlled.

c) The government decides what should be produced.

d) Production techniques are not determined by firms.

e) A government planning office decides what will be produced, how it will be produced, and for whom it will be produced.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 384 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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