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VII. Fill in the gaps in the text with the suitable words

to secure jobs; at the expense of; in the long run; encouraging; benefits; initiatives; economic asset; forced; part-time jobs; child labour; priority; obtain; run; to provide; effort; suppliers' plants; living standards; trade rules; consumers; to enforce

The sad truth behind child labour is that for millions of poor families, children are an 1) _____ and often their only one. In many cases, their poverty means that such families are 2) ____ to give 3) _____ to the urgent - increasing family income - 4) ____ what many know to be the important - educating their children. In other cases families can afford to send their children to school only if they also have 5) _____ at the same time. It is this family dilemma that makes laws against 6) ____ so difficult 7) ____. Thus in Mexico children 8) ____ forged birth certificates in order 9) _____ in the maquiladora factories 10) ______ by American firms along the northern border. And it is this that makes worthy corporate codes of conduct liable to backfire: the danger is that, far from contributing to the end of child labour, they­ merely shift it to shadier areas of the economy that are far harder to police.

So what should companies do? Although there are no easy answers, some 11) ____ appear more 12) _____ than others. One such is the 13) ______ that Levi Strauss, a maker of jeans, has made 14) _____ schooling for child workers on its 15) ______ in Bangladash. The provision of other 16) _____, such as medical care and meals, may also be appropriate.

17) _____, however, only higher 18) ______ will put an end to child labour. If 19) _______ in rich countries really want to help the world's working children, there are many ways in which they can do so. One of them is to oppose protectionist 20) ______ that prevent the poor from exporting their goods.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 588 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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