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Edible oil prices

Navinbhai Shah, President of the Bombay Oilseeds and Oil Exchange, reported this week that edible oil prices have remained high in India throughout the summer. According to Mr Shah, this is because (1) ____ of festivals such as Dussehra and Diwali are taking place and the (2) ____ for edible oils is always at its greatest at this time. Shah predicts, however, that (3) ____ are likely to fall next month when the new oilseed crop starts arriving.

Traders said palm oil was (4) ____ at Rs 27,000 a tonne in the domestic markets, while groundnut oil fetched the higher price of Rs 35,000 a tonne. Industry officials said domestic edible oil prices had also (5) ____ in line with Malaysian palm oil prices. Malaysian prices have (6) ____ because it seems that El Nino, which is a weather phenomenon that can disrupt weather worldwide, had (7) ____ the oilseed crop in some parts.

The new oilseed crop normally starts arriving from late October, and imports start to come down from November as domestic (8) ____ increase. The government (9) ____ that the winter oilseed output will be about 13.46 million tons (10) ____ with more than 14 million tons the previous year.

1. A the majority B a number C the number D the amount

2. A order B enquiry C demand D request

3. A costs B values C interests D prices

4. A stated B quoted C told D repeated

5. A risen B burst C expanded D gained

6. A raised B elevated C gone up D highlighted

7. A broken B injured C effected D affected

8. A numbers B supplies C records D issues

9. A calculates B intends C values D recommends

10. A confronted B measured C compared D assessed

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 853 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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