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Drug Detector Dogs in Customs work. It was in the early seventies that the drug problem began to assume alarming proportions

It was in the early seventies that the drug problem began to assume alarming proportions. The ways of drug smuggling are many and varied. A detector dog may make a find even on a routine patrol.

When searching for drugs one must always adapt to the situation at hand. When working out of doors the handler must make allowances for temperature and terrain. Above all he must remember that currents of air can bring the scent to the dog from quite far away. Once the dog has caught the scent, with proper assistance from its handler it can find the drugs even in a ditch full of water.

In frontier surveillance, a large part of drug detection work naturally involves the movement of persons and goods on highways. Lorry inspection halls are of great help; among other things, they make it easier to unload the goods. When the lorry has a big load it becomes clear that the dog needs a strong retrieving instinct to locate the hiding place exactly. The top, bottom and sides of the vehicle are also searched.

Rail traffic is also monitored by Customs. Not only are trains inspected: left-luggage lockers at stations are also checked. Here, too, locating the drug is the hardest part of the job. The hiding place is high up: the dog demonstrates agility, self-confidence and courage. When it cannot get any further on its own, it still shows its handler where the drugs are hidden by jumping in that direction. The rest is up to the handler.

Drug detector dogs can be used almost anywhere, including large ships. Often several dogs are used at once. They assist the special squads on land and the mobile rummage crews.

Airports are another important area of operations. Both passenger traffic and air freight are increasing steadily in volume; drug detector dogs have been successful again and again and we couldn’t do without them now. No matter how cunning the smuggler’s methods are – and especially in air traffic they are often very clever indeed – they can seldom fool the canine nose. Here, for example, passenger luggage is being inspected. It looks like child’s play the way the detector dog picks out and indicates the right suitcase.

The standing rule for all operations is that the head of the operation decides when and where to use a drug detector dog; the dog’s handler decides how and how long to use his dog.


Task 1. Read the text. Put the words in the order you’ve come across them in the text.

a) airport

b) rail traffic

c) ships

d) left-luggage lockers

e) lorries on highways

Task 2. Find the endings of the sentences.

1. Not only are trains inspected …

2. When the lorry has a big load it becomes clear …

3. No matter how cunning the smuggler’s methods are …

4. Once the dog has caught the scent …

5. Rail traffic …

6. When it cannot get any further on its own …

7. When working out of doors …

Task 3. True or false?

1. Above all he must remember that currents of air cannot bring the scent to the dog.

2. The sides of the vehicle are searched, but not the top and the bottom.

3. Locating the drug is the hardest part of the job.

4. Drug detector dogs can be used almost anywhere excluding large ships.

5. Airports are another important area of operations.

6. The head of the operation decides how and how long to use the dog.

Task 4. Here are several key messages of the text. Choose the best one and give your arguments.

1. Dogs specially trained to smell drugs and explosives have become an indispensable tool in customs activities.

2. Successful using of dogs at Customs depends both on the dog handler and the dog.

3. Connected with great difficulties in detecting narcotics a special Drug Detector Dog program has been offered.

Test 4

Lexical – grammar test

I. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

1. One of the most effective ways to reveal people involved in drug smuggling is to conduct a controlled delivery.

2. In addition the importer provided evidence of payment and necessary Italian Customs export documents.

3. Because of its front-line position, the Border Patrol, although not officially a drug enforcement organization, is the number one interdictor of illegal drugs in the U.S.

4. Heroin is a close competitor to cocaine in its ability to addict consumers and generate multi-billion-dollar sales.

5. Timely exchange of information is crucial to fighting the drug traffic.

6. The dog, like its ancestor the wolf, is an animal with a highly developed sense of smell and relies primarily on its nose for its perception of the outside world.

II. Choose the form that best completes the sentence.

1. All birds and animals … be imported under humane and healthful conditions.

a) should b) can c) may d) must

2.The personal search is carried out in the presence of two … and a list of all things seized is to be made.

a) officers b) gentlemen c) witnesses d) smugglers

3. The smuggling of drugs … a great deal in recent years.

a) increase b) increased c) has increased d) will increase

4. Do you have a … for the knives because knives of this kind are generally considered weapons?

a) voucher b) invoice c) receipt d) order

III. Fill in the blanks with the proper article.

Asking to see … contents of … woman’s handbag was … rarity. Like … man’s pockets, … handbag was considered personal and almost never looked into. But when … individual chose to be difficult, … Customs men could be difficult too.

H. Standish inspected … lipstick and … gold compact. When he probed … powder in … compact, he extracted … diamond and … ruby ring. There was … tube of hand lotion, partially used. Unrolling the tube, he could see that … bottom had been opened. When he pressed … tube, there was something inside. Such … old tricks! He had seen them many times.

(from “Airport” by A. Hailey)

IV. Correct the errors. Rewrite the sentences correctly.

1. He didn’t reply enough fast.

2. What she said was a few strange.

3. The final date for submission was three weeks ago so it’s far very late now.

4. We haven’t made many progress recently.

5. The control of passengers’ baggage is the so-called preventive work of the Customer Service.

6. If you have prohibited or restricted good or good for commercial purposes, go to the channel indicated by the red symbol.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 310 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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