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Working on the text. Task 6. Match each countable noun to an uncountable one having a similar meaning

Task 6. Match each countable noun to an uncountable one having a similar meaning.

traffic, equipment, journeys, machines, accidents, cars, luggage (baggage), travel, advice, belongings, legislation, damage, hints, laws

Task 7. Correct mistakes in the sentences.

1. The news are bad, I’m afraid.

2. His luggage have already been checked.

3. She is fond of giving advices.

4. In the morning there were too many traffic on the roads.

Task 8. Write out all words connected with the idea of “travel”.

Task 9. Match the words in the left column to their definitions in the right.

1. carry-on bags a) a machine or a piece of equipment that finds something

2. checked-in luggage b) a warning to be ready for possible danger

3. weapon c) very advanced

4. security d) extremely small

5. detector e) things left to be put on a plane or a train

6. alert f) things that you are allowed to take onto a plane with you

7. sophisticated g) protection from danger

8. minute (adj.) h) something you can use to fight with or attack someone with

Task 10. Look through the text and write out words that have the same form for a verb and a noun.

Task 11. Give all synonyms that you know to the verb “to check”.

Task 12. Over to you. What are traditional methods of Customs control?

Task 13. What sophisticated screening technologies are described in the text? Speak on each.

Task 14. Translate the newspaper article into Russian.

Australian Customs made a seizure of 12 kg of cocaine in Sydney. The drug was smuggled to Australia by a 50 – year – old Polish citizen. His baggage was searched and in thick covers of ten new photograph albums the cocaine was found. The smuggler was arrested.

Task 15. Translate the given article into English.

Таможенники в аэропорту Манчестера, Великобритания были поражены, увидев прилетевшего из-за рубежа чернокожего студента Фиделиса Озули. 30-летний парень бережно поддерживал свой вздутый живот.

Подозрительного пассажира задержали и просветили на рентгене. Оказалось, что в желудке у него запрятано 67 упаковок с кокаином общим весом 1 килограмм.

Содержимое “тайника” в желудке по стоимости тянуло на 300000 евро – абсолютный рекорд. Наркокурьеров с такой богатой “начинкой” британцам еще не приходилось сканировать.

Task 16. Translate the following text into Russian.

In spite of the sophisticated equipment and new technologies which have become available, the dog and, especially the sniffer dog, remains an indispensable tool for Customs enforcement. According to scientific studies a dog’s sense of smell is a million times better than man’s. For one thing, its olfactory membrane is about 30 times larger. Some 225 million olfactory cells make the dog capable of phenomenal feats of smell which man can make use of for a large variety of purposes, for example customs work and drug detection. Drug detector dogs are like X-ray machines, fiber-optic camera devices – they are a tool that extends the ability of the customs control officer in the workplace.

No piece of equipment has yet been invented that can replace the dog. Some experimental models have been tried but found to be far inferior to the canine nose.

Task 17. Discuss in small buzz groups:

What or, maybe, who is man’s best sniffer?

Choose the best answer.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 433 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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